Board Member Recruitment: 11 Creative Ways to Find Exceptional Candidates

Many boards of nonprofit organizations are so busy that they forget to do professional work to recruit new members. This critical task is not as difficult as you might think if you assign the task to your Board Development Committee, focus on the skills you need to complete your board, and start your search early.

Here are eleven creative ways to find new board members for your organization:

1. Post your board vacancies on volunteer websites.

2. Post your board of directors vacancies on your organization’s website.

3. Talk to former board members and ask them to suggest candidates.

4. Put an ad in the newspaper or in your newsletter.

5. Create an ongoing pool of board candidates from your volunteers and committee members who are not yet on your board. These two groups can become your feeder team for new board members.

6. Post a sign in your lobby and provide the contact information for your Board Development Director.

7. Email your members the qualifications you are looking for.

8. Contact the Human Resources Department at local law firms and accountants to ask if any of your partners or employees have a particular interest in your clients or the programs you offer.

9. Contact a college or university department that is related to the mission of your organization. Ask the department manager to email your request for new board members to department members or post it to department offices.

10. Create a system to follow up on each promising prospect.

11. Ask your top donors to attend a coffee or lunch meeting to brainstorm with you and create a list of potential board members who meet your search criteria this year.

Remember, not everyone is interested in joining a board. If your search finds people who might become enthusiastic advocates for your organization but don’t want to join a board, perhaps they could join a board committee, be on an advisory board, or work at one of your events.

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