Secrets of Fantasy Football Draft Day – After the Draft

Congratulations. Your Fantasy Football Draft is over! Hopefully he got all the players he wanted, and his competition was woefully short on soccer IQ. It would be nice, but we know that life is not that easy. You’ve got some players you wanted, you overspent on some, and you blew it twice. And now that? How do you rectify all the mistakes you made? Take it easy, friend. This is where you win or lose your league championship. The draft takes one day, but there are 12-14 weeks of lineup changes, waiver wire moves, trades, and bench decisions to make before you earn a spot in your league’s playoffs.

The first thing you need to do now is be brutally honest with yourself in every position. Look at your team and see where you excelled and where you made decisions, like Courtney Love coming out of rehab. If you have too many RBs and not enough quality receivers, check the general board and see which coach needs ball carriers. Walk up to him and let him know that you are available to help him, but don’t appear anxious. Do this in every position, but don’t overreact.

Next, review your weeks off. Make sure multiple positions are not affected over several weeks. I prefer to have my Bye Weeks spread over all the stalls. On the other hand, if you have Roddy White and Larry Fitzgerald, you don’t mind that they have the same bye week. You’ll be happy to take that week off at WR to reap the huge rewards the rest of the year will bring.

Finally, look at the schedule of your players during your Fantasy Football Playoffs. For example, the Jacksonville Jaguars have the third-toughest schedule for quarterbacks and the seventh-toughest for the WRs in weeks 14-17. The 49ers have been blessed with the second-easiest schedule in the league for the RBs, and third-easiest in the playoffs, so Frank Gore looks even better here than usual. This is something to keep in mind as the season progresses.

One thing I like to do is make no moves for 3 weeks, unless obviously there is a major injury or a nightclub shooting involving your best player. You can also do the opposite and get trapped in analysis paralysis and doing nothing for too many weeks. I guess the real advice here is to think twice before making a hasty move. LT finished with 1600 all-purpose yards and 12 tds, and many owners abandoned it during the year.

Just remember that the championship is won by managing a team, not selecting one. So help yourself to a cold one, congratulate yourself on your draft, and prepare to make all the right moves in Fantasy Football 2009.

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