Does Workers’ Compensation Cover Illnesses?

Workers’ compensation benefits are a type of insurance intended to accommodate employees who need medical care as a result of work-related injuries. Employers are required by law to provide workers’ compensation insurance coverage to their employees in the event of serious injuries related to occupational exposures. These policies typically include provisions for accidental injury, but many people are curious about other types of damage, such as illness or disease.

Read on to learn more about how illnesses are treated under standard work injury compensation policies and who to trust for accurate advice on your potential claim.

Workers Compensation for Sickness and Disorders

When an employee accepts workers’ compensation, they are forfeiting the right to sue their employer for negligence. This is because compensation is awarded to cover medical expenses, hospital bills, prolonged physical therapy, lost wages, economic losses, damages, and more. This allows victims to pay recovery. In most cases, work injury compensation is provided to victims of physical injuries, but it should also be provided to employees suffering from work-related illnesses, long-term conditions, and psychological disorders.

Stress-related conditions, such as heart conditions, digestive problems, and psychological problems, are also often covered by most workers’ compensation insurance. And long-term illnesses, such as those caused by working with toxic substances, hearing loss, repetitive motion injuries, and vision problems, may also be covered by workers’ compensation insurance. To be eligible for workers’ compensation compensation coverage for the above conditions, an illness must have been caused and occurred during a person’s time of employment.

Learn about your potential workers’ compensation claim

Although an illness or disease cannot be attributed to an isolated accident or event at work, it does not mean that it is not a valid workplace injury claim. Speak to an experienced and licensed personal injury attorney about your rights as a victim of a long-term illness or conditions related to your work responsibilities and environment.

They can provide you with accurate information about the unique circumstances and details of your claim, and build a strong and impactful case to recover the fair compensation you deserve. It is important to hire an attorney who can comprehensively represent you and your case in an attempt to recover compensation for your damages, such as lost wages, medical expenses, hospital bills, prolonged therapy, and more. Just be sure to start as soon as possible to avoid exceeding your state’s statutes of limitations for filing such claims.

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