5 areas, we are witnessing more – Simplistic public policy

What good is it, when our elected officials, instead of proceeding with a well-considered, priority-based approach, resort to empty, populist promises and rhetoric? It seems to many, we are witnessing an era in which there is too much, too much, overly simplistic public statements and blame/complaints, instead of a pragmatic idealism, which looks for workable solutions. The negative ramifications of this process include: poorly designed ideas; excessive procrastination; it is not enough, in – depth, planning; and more ill-conceived populist rhetoric than meaningful plans, etc.! With that in mind, this article will briefly attempt to consider, examine, review, and discuss 5 specific areas where this path-of-least-resistance approach becomes the ruleand the best interests of the public, lose!

1. Immigration Policy: Throughout much of this nation’s history, how best to handle immigration-related issues and policies has become a political football! There is no meaningful and overly simplistic way to consider options and alternatives! Politicians often blamed earlier immigrants, such as the Irish, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, etc., apparently to curry favor with some of their constituents. However, never before, in recent history, have we witnessed what we do today, when President Donald Trump, in many ways, articulates an anti-immigrant message, using negative rhetoric, etc. In order to appeal to those who seem to want to blame someone else for any perceived personal challenges/needs, this message seems to resonate, as does the apparent fixation with what many experts believe to be his emphasis on poorly designed design. , ineffective, expensive, South Wall!

two. Economy/tax system: It should come as no surprise that most people prefer to pay lower taxes! However, when this is done, like the tax reform passed, along party lines, in 2017, in a way that efficiently benefits the wealthiest and largest corporations, rather than the middle class, etc., the potential for class division, it increases exponentially! Furthermore, most economists believe that the long-term ramifications of huge deficits will hurt this nation, at least for decades!

3. Political campaigns: The political campaign process, in this nation, differs from almost anywhere else in the world, in terms of the enormous amounts of money spent, as well as the length of politicians’ campaign and the often unsubstantiated or irrelevant rhetoric. etc, articulated. This produces too much empty rhetoric and too little achievement!

Four. Blame/complaint, instead of solutions: Nobody benefits, when blaming and complaining, and empty promises, are the rule, and too little attention is paid to workable solutions, combining idealism and necessity with pragmatism!

5. Foreign policy: While there have been many problems with the foreign policies of previous administrations, what we have witnessed, in the last three years, has been seemingly erratic and often supportive of our historical enemies/enemies, rather than our traditional allies! Doesn’t that put us at greater risk?

When public policy relies more on rhetoric and overly simplistic articulations, no one benefits! Wake up, America, and demand better, before it’s too late!

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