I do not need to buy personal defense products and non-lethal weapons

Recently, my wife and I were talking to a friend of ours. Coincidentally, the topic of self-defense products and non-lethal weapons was inadvertently brought up in our conversation. “Oh, I don’t need to buy TASER guns, stun guns or pepper spray,” he said. “Would you mind telling us why?” my wife questioned.

“Well, I am a man, and I have these two fists to rely on,” he replied. “There’s nothing like a good old-fashioned punch to someone’s face to show them how a real man like me should be respected. That’s way better than using self-defense products like stun guns, and it’s definitely cheaper!” !”. My wife looked at me, a philosophical smile on her face. I got the message from her: she wanted me to give her my masculine point of view on the subject.

“Have you seen the latest FBI statistics?” I asked. “In 2007, 78.5% of murder victims were men. Fists weren’t much help to any of them.” “Why?” asked my friend. “Well, in 68% of those cases the victims were killed with a firearm, while in 12.1% of the murders knives were used. give you the necessary edge you need to survive.” “I agree with Dan,” my wife added.

Fred protested, “Ok, I can accept that when you put it that way, but in that case I’d still get a firearm: I wouldn’t buy non-lethal self-defense products.” This time my wife took the initiative. “Do you have family, Fred?” “You know I do, I have a wife and two children,” she replied. My wife continued, “Did you know that the risks of serious injury or death increase for innocent bystanders if you miss your target?” “Well, there are always casualties in war,” Fred replied hastily, smiling, not quite understanding where my wife was headed. She continued, “Have you ever considered that passersby could be members of your own family?” “Oh…” was all Fred could reply. This time he wasn’t smiling.

Fred is not a bad person. In fact, he was simply uninformed, as were many men (and women) who still think the same way he does. I took the initiative again: “Did you know that simply owning a gun can get you killed? According to the latest FBI statistics, over 95% of CIVILIANS who are shot, GET SHOT with their OWN GUN! “. This time, he remained silent. “In addition”, I continue, “many citizens consider that firearms are too dangerous to have at home, especially if they have children: many of them have broken the security created by their parents, accessing such lethal devices. That’s a fact”. .

“But a non-lethal weapon is no match for a shotgun! For example, I would never use a stun gun on someone who is pointing a gun at me,” he protested. This time my wife responded, “You’re right up to a point, Fred. Although stun guns are excellent self-defense weapons against unarmed attackers, they are no match for firearms since stun guns require close contact with your attacker. But … Did you know that TASER devices (which, by the way, can fire their probes up to 15 feet away) have been shown to have a higher instantaneous incapacitation rate than a 9mm handgun, according to law enforcement studies? Do you know why this is so important, Fred? Think about it: even shooting a criminal doesn’t always stop the attack immediately in all cases, as even a wounded assailant can remain dangerous for some time afterwards. That doesn’t happen when you use a TASER weapon…or even long-range pepper spray, in fact.”

“Okay, you may be right,” Fred replied. “But why are we talking about this, for God’s sake? Nothing has ever happened to me until now. I don’t even go to dangerous places like I used to, and neither do my family. We really enjoy being home. Nothing bad will ever happen to us.” His non-verbal language reflected that he was trying to convince himself more than us.

“I know it’s not an easy topic to talk about, Fred,” I replied. “But simply ignoring the danger doesn’t make it go away. You know there is absolutely nowhere safe today. A thief could even break into your home in broad daylight and put your life, and the lives of your family, at great risk.” danger. it can happen right now. It can happen tomorrow, or a month from now. To make matters worse, the police can usually get involved after the violent incident has already happened most of the time.” Fred was listening to our words, an interested look on his face.

“The harsh realities of life are still out there whether you recognize them or not, Fred,” my wife continued. “Robberies, assaults, rapes, kidnappings, murders, carjackings, home break-ins…many people think of these events as rare events that can happen to everyone else, denying or minimizing the possibility that it could happen to anyone else.” them too, or a loved one. But fortunes can change for all of us at any time, and not necessarily for the better. Even with today’s relatively low crime rates, the average American has an 80% chance of being victim of a violent crime in a lifetime. A serious crime occurs every second in the United States, and a violent crime every 5 seconds.”

By now, Fred was almost convinced… “Maybe I should protect myself and my loved ones as soon as possible after all,” he whispered, as if talking to himself.

I decided to continue with my wife’s line of thought: “The safety of your loved ones, as well as your own, should be at the top of your list of priorities, Fred. Too many people have taken safety for granted and have suffered physical injuries.” , emotional and emotional that disable them”. trauma and even death, while trying to resist or escape from an unexpected attacker. But it doesn’t have to be that way for you and your family. There are real alternatives. There is still time to join the growing number of protected people. whose future is less in the hands of fate and more in the hands of the smart prevention and technological help that self-defense products can provide.”

“Okay, I’m convinced: maybe I need to buy a non-lethal self-defense weapon after all,” said Fred. I continued talking to him: “Self-defense products should be considered a basic necessity today, not a luxury. Your life, and the lives of your loved ones, may depend on whether or not you purchase a non-lethal self defense weapon today to defend yourself. with. We’re telling you all this because we really care about you, Fred.” “I know guys…thanks!” Fred replied.

That little conversation changed our friend’s life…forever. Fred took our advice to heart: he ordered two pepper gels (one for himself and one for his wife). From then on, husband and wife always carried their non-lethal self-defense weapons wherever they went. His new habit paid off…big time.

What happened? Here’s what happened: Two months later, after enjoying dinner and a movie, he and his wife were attacked by a drugged-out assailant who threatened to kill them with a knife if they didn’t hand over their money and car. . But things got even worse than that: he demanded to take Fred’s wife hostage too!

“He was acting very violent towards us,” Fred told me, still affected by the whole experience. “I perfectly understood your words right then and there: my fists would not help me in such a dangerous situation. Thank God I had my pepper gel handy: when he hit me with his knife, I immediately pushed the pepper gel away.” backfire without hesitation, and wow, he was instantly incapacitated when that gel hit his ugly face! He was very nervous at first… who wouldn’t be? But the pepper gel made it very easy to defend myself and my wife that night.”

“God, you two could be dead by now!” my wife told him, a worried look on her face. Fred continued, “We really owe our lives to that little conversation about self-defense products we had a couple of months ago, and to those cheap but really powerful spray products that I didn’t know we needed so much.” “That’s absolutely correct,” my wife interrupted, “but most of all, you owe it to yourself, Fred. You really opened your mind and listened to some good advice,” my wife replied. “We’re so glad you’re here with us again, Fred,” she added, as she congratulated Fred, the friend she almost lost. He smiled.

And you, dear reader? Who knows what life might have in store for you and your loved ones in the near future. Will you follow good advice, like Fred did? We really look forward to it. Purchase non-lethal self-defense products (such as TASER weapons, stun guns, or pepper spray) for yourself and your loved ones today. Remember: not leading a preventive lifestyle has greater economic and emotional costs than investing in a self-defense product that is so necessary today. Think about the ones you love the most and act right now… before it’s too late.

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