Non-hormonal contraception: learn about the different methods available

Contraception is an issue of great importance for women around the world because it gives them greater control of their body and therefore their life. There are many contraceptive methods available to women today and their use is determined by prevailing social conditions, information, convenience, and cost. Non-hormonal contraception is the most popular form of contraception today in most of the world.

There are three main categories that non-hormonal contraceptives fall into. The first two are barrier methods and intrauterine devices. The third is known as natural family planning and does not require the use of any artificial methods.

Barrier methods are the most popular form of non-hormonal contraception.

They are so called because they work by preventing sperm from coming into contact with the egg. The best known barrier contraceptive is the condom. The most common condoms are those used by men, although there are also condoms that women can use. Condoms must be used correctly because they can break easily. The male condom is made of latex, while the female condom is made of polyurethane. Women can also wear a latex or silicone diaphragm or cap to prevent pregnancy. These are inserted into the upper part of the vagina. They stay in place and prevent sperm from entering the cervix. They work best when used in conjunction with a spermicidal cream and should not be removed for a few hours after sex.

Intrauterine devices, known as IUDs, are placed in a woman’s uterus by a qualified physician. Typically T-shaped and made of copper, the IUD works by irritating the lining of the uterus, so it is not receptive to any embryo looking for a place to implant. The IUD also works by releasing small amounts of copper into the uterus, which interferes with the mobility of sperm because they cannot meet an egg. It should only be implanted if the woman is absolutely healthy and does not have any infection or disease of the reproductive organs. However, there is a risk of getting a pelvic infection or ectopic pregnancy from using this device. If all goes well, it can be kept in place for at least five to ten years.

Natural family planning methods are not as reliable as the other non-hormonal contraception methods, but they are very popular due to cultural or religious reasons.

Most people who follow this method schedule their sexual contact so that they do not have sex when the woman is most fertile. This is very difficult to predict because there are too many variables. Another method that is used is the withdrawal method whereby the man ejaculates outside of the woman.

Each of these non-hormonal contraceptive methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Talk to your doctor to understand what each of them entails.

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