Freedom of speech is a beautiful skill ‘Filtering words produces positive results

* Freedom of expression a beautiful skill; especially if you filter your words to raise your vibration and mine.

In my opinion: Freedom of expression is a beautiful thing and an incredible opportunity!

Especially if it is articulated in a loving and generous expressive way.

Implementing your filtered words is always the first priority; Cleaning and releasing the low energy vibe, before letting go, is something that may or may not have generated your opinion, it should always help to clarify your thinking to communicate better. Doing this little work serves you and me best as a speaker and as a listener. Exercise your freedom of expression in a productive, intelligent and responsible way.

Rate your opinion and expression; Raise your vibration and lower mine? So maybe a new goal needs to materialize.

Refocus or reuse your written, spoken, or verbal energy.

Make the words that you release, in the universe, be refined words; words that have a powerful healing impact or pacifying ability. Words have the power to lift you and me to a higher vibrational energy / frequency, and to raise our positive intention and lift each other.

For those of you metaphysics buffs: We all know that happy, positive vibration is key to starting any productive thought, action, or intention, which in turn can aid your efforts toward your wish by manifesting a positive, happy, or productive outcome. .

Words and language are a unique gift that is given to almost everyone.

The main goal of communication many years ago was survival; expanding ourselves, others, and an all-important responsibility to raise your own environmental vibration. Words can cheer us up when we release one positive thought at a time.

It is up to you and me to use our words MORE TO illuminate the world with good intention and energy to be received and serve more to illuminate or expand our communication purpose with lifelong wisdom. Wisdom and sharing your words are meant to be enjoyed by both you and me.

Enjoy whatever language, skill, or communication skill you have mastered better; USE YOUR SKILLS WISELY and develop what you already KNOW. LIVE and communicate better in life by living in YOUR OWN TRUTH and, of course, always being aware of social norms, cultures or acceptable forms of communication.

Let the falsehood of the ALMIGHTY EGO be put into practice that can only better serve your innate need to praise YAHWEH. You will find that by doing this, you can easily eliminate EGOCENTRIC OR TOXIC MINDFULNESS.

Holding on to a big, toxic ego can only cause more chaos or invite sadness into your existence.


THE EGO once served a purpose, although protecting, shielding, and covering cannot receive the ILLUMINATION of discovery.

PERHAPS RECOVERY or discovering your ability to understand your point, before speaking, can help you communicate with ease and, more importantly, with goodwill and peace …

** I enjoy learning from you and others by continually offering me knowledge!

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