Product display helps consumers buy

Buying stuff online can be a bit addictive, once you start you can’t stop as it can be done anywhere and anytime.

However, before the rise of giant marketplaces and e-commerce websites, everyone had to put shopping on their to-do list, whereas today you can just lie on the couch, swipe the screen of your device and click a button to make a purchase.

However, despite loving its convenience, most consumers would still drive to brick-and-mortar stores to purchase expensive items, according to a new study.

Nearly half of consumers surveyed by digital marketing company PushOn said they’d rather buy expensive items like a new kitchen or bathroom in-store.

The reason is that they can view and examine the products before deciding to buy them.

The report reveals that 47% of 1,000 consumers actually do their research online and, once their hearts are set on a product, they buy it in a physical store. On the other hand, 70% said they had bought expensive items online, but only after seeing them in the store.

That just goes to show that despite the ease and convenience of online shopping, most people still want to see and touch a product, especially an expensive one like a car, to make sure they’re not wasting money.

However, they are not closed-minded at all; 45% of consumers said they are willing to make expensive purchases online if websites offer technology that allows them to experience a product so they can make informed decisions.

Is AR the future of eCommerce?

PushOn elicited various opinions from respondents regarding what tools e-commerce sites should consider to persuade them to purchase expensive items online.

40% said they would love to use Augmented Reality (AR) to try a product before buying it. Because this technology merges digital images with the real world, online shoppers will be able to see and experience a product by placing an image of it over their view of reality.

On the other hand, 41% of those surveyed said that implementing stronger online security will make them feel safe when buying expensive items, hence their confidence to spend more.

Here are the other items on her wish list:

  • 52% think retailers should invest in technology that enables a better omnichannel experience, so the shopping journey is seamless in store and online.
  • 32% would like to use online services so they can get instant answers to their questions.
  • 17% ask retailers using AI and digital chatbots to provide shopping recommendations based on their clothing purchase and can answer questions about products.
  • 17% want to see online purchases with a single click to facilitate payment.
  • 16% would like to use more mobile payments to make online purchases faster.

In addition to great products and fast delivery, industry experts urge online businesses to choose the best technology to help shoppers visualize their products.

As Sam Rutley, CEO of PushOn, says:

“By using technology, such as digital chatbots that can act as online customer service assistants or AR apps to help visualize products, retailers will be able to create a more seamless omnichannel experience where customers can access the same level of service and information as would have”. if they were shopping at the store. This will go a long way towards increasing consumer buying confidence through the higher levels of security and assurance that this technology can offer, meaning they will feel comfortable spending more online.”

What kind of technology have you recently adopted in your online business?

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