3 Popular Country Clothing Brands

Originating in the American West in the early 19th century, western clothing has become a popular fashion in today’s culture. Country clothing began to change during the 1950s, becoming a new set of fashionable styles. From cowboy hats, boots and belts to denim T-shirts and bandanas, there are now over a hundred brands offering their own range of denim clothing. Here are 3 of the most popular western brands.

Rodeo Outback Jeans

Starting out as a pair of jeans, the brand has grown substantially to become a national leader in western apparel. Outback Rodeo was established in 2002 and guarantees the best quality and sturdiness while maintaining a comfortable fit. Outback Rodeo has always been recognized for its focus on research and development of custom denim fashion at affordable prices. As an Australian based company, Outback Rodeo have designed their jeans to combat the unforgiving Australian outback. They are not only fashionable, they are also suitable as work clothes.

The brand has a 100% customer satisfaction policy and promises that its jeans will outlast any of its competitors. One of their popular products includes the 34″ leg twill denim blue jean. Any rodeo fan would have stumbled upon Outback Rodeo Jeans, which has become one of the largest sponsors of country and western events.

cowgirl up jeans

Designed specifically for women, Cowgirl Up is the perfect apparel for all occasions. Cowgirl is an extremely modern clothing line that maintains its roots in the western world. Its product range includes hats, boots, short and long skirts, T-shirts, vests, gloves, scarves, belts and bandanas. The brand has become a modern fashion that can be worn to work, dance or casual wear.

Corfu Jeans

Corfu Jeans is a massive western clothing retailer that is constantly releasing new items. Corfu’s style is smart casual and achieved national success with the launch of ‘perfect fit jeans’. Today Corfu is an international brand sourcing its materials from quality manufacturers around the world. The brand strives to adapt all its new clothes to a new style for each season.

Its product range includes jeans, pants, vests, blouses, and skirts. The company guarantees a variety of up-to-date fashion for both the smart casual woman and the very modern woman. Corfu Jeans have one of the largest ranges in western clothing, catering to plus-size women with sizes up to a 20. You can find their garments across Australia in most major clothing departments.

Traditionally worn to protect Australians in the bush from the harsh climate and constant outdoor life, the clothing has become a stylish and fashionable choice both in the countryside and in the city. You can still find practical gear today, like cowboy boots that are just as tough as ever and will still protect your feet when you ride. All of these brands offer an excellent range of denim clothing that can be found at online country clothing stores such as Australian company RagsByMail.com.au

The best way is to mix and match to find the perfect look that suits you.

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