5 Tips to Improve Website UX to Drive Conversions

User experience, commonly known to many as UX, is the process of increasing user satisfaction. This can be done by improving the overall usability, efficiency, and accessibility of user interaction with sites. The user should feel at home when visiting your website.

User experience and conversation rate are closely linked. If your site’s user experience is great, more and more people will get involved, guaranteeing you a high conversion rate.

  1. Create a clean home page

The home page of your website plays a crucial role. The home page should display the main message that you want to convey to your users. To ensure a good user experience, it is advisable not to put everything on the home page. Most audiences hate reading large blocks of text, so keep it as short as possible.

Your home page is a place where most visitors will land. If it’s cluttered, people will leave the site as soon as it loads. If you can’t increase visitor interest on your site’s home page, how do you want to convert them?

  1. Improve loading speed

Most visitors expect their site to load in three to four seconds. If a site takes longer to load, it is clearly an example of a bad user experience. This will also ask them to leave the website as soon as possible. And obviously they will never come back, if this has happened once. So if your audience had a bad experience regarding your site, they will never come back.

If you want to keep your visitors hooked on your site content and you want them to keep coming back, then your website should load in less than three seconds.

  1. Make it clean

Naturally, any website owner would want their visitors to see the most important information on any page. Because of this, it is important to leave enough breathing room on all pages. It should not only highlight important information, but also improve overall readability and make your design look more elegant.

A little room to breathe can make your site feel modern, fresh, and open. If you don’t leave a blank space, your audience may lose the most valuable information. If you can’t draw visitors’ attention to your specific information, your chances of conversion are greatly diminished.

  1. Responsiveness for all platforms

Responsiveness is a vital part of user experience design. It allows websites to change layouts according to different screen resolutions, depending on the smartphone, tablet, or desktop used to visit the site.

Responsive design further ensures that your site looks attractive from all devices. Today, people browse websites on the go, at work, in parks, or even while traveling. When a computer cannot be accessed, most people prefer to visit the sites from their smartphone or tablet. If your website is not responsive and mobile friendly, you may lose a lot of potential customers.

  1. Add videos and images

Adding videos and images plays a crucial role in grabbing visitors’ attention with ease. Having videos and images on a website causes people to interact with that particular website more than once.

People can better understand visual representation and trust things that appear less robotic and more human. Videos on a site help drive customer engagement. For example, if you have a product with many features, you will have to write a large block of code to explain it, however, with the use of a video, the user will be able to better understand all the features in one go. By adding more videos and images, you can make people understand more accurately and easily.

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