Relationships: Do some people use the law of attraction to embarrass others?

There is a possibility that if someone is interested in self-development, it is because of the law of attraction. Learning of this supposed law would have meant that this ended up being an important part of his life.

One thing leads to another

Then it is the same as someone can find out about a product and in a short time; they may end up using other products from the same brand. At first, they may have just been curious about how this will affect their life.

But with the passage of time, this product, like many others, would have become a vital part of his life. So you can be in a position where this law has become a big part of your life, or you can say that you are simply working with a law that has always been around.

another route

Alternatively, one may have been into self-development for a while and this may have led them to discover the law of attraction. So it could be said that it was inevitable for this to happen.

This is partly due to the fact that this is something that has permeated this industry. Because of this, it would be a challenge for one to be in this area and not find out about it.

another angle

Having said that, even if one hasn’t heard of the law of attraction, it doesn’t mean they haven’t been exposed to it indirectly. What this boils down to is that much of the available material has been influenced by him.

So one could read a book that doesn’t mention this law, but still could have talked about how your thoughts create your life. Therefore, if another person were to talk about what this law is about, he would soon know what he is talking about.

A match

Based on this, in order for one to attract something into their life, they will need to have the right thoughts. In addition to the effect your thoughts have, there will also be how your life is affected by what you focus on.

You will then need to ensure that you are thinking positive thoughts, as this will allow you to raise your ‘vibration’. What is happening in your mind will be reflected in your external world.

On board

After hearing about this, one may have discovered that this is how they already live their life; being this something in which they believe. This could be a sign that your life is going the way you would like it to be.

However, if someone heard about this law for the first time, there may have been a number of things in their life that were not going their way. And, by applying what they learned, your life may have changed dramatically.

passing it

But before they changed what was going on in their mind, they may have told other people. Some of these people may have been open to it, while others may have dismissed what they said.

Still, this would not have stopped them from doing what they could to achieve whatever it was they wanted to achieve. There could also be a number of things that they are still working on.

another result

On the other hand, one may have found that it has not been possible for him to change his life, or that a certain area has not changed. As a result of this, they may have sought outside support; this could have been from a friend or coach, for example.

This could be a time where one will discover that there have been times when they have not been focusing on the right things. Through their help, one may soon discover that one can move forward.

The same old story

At the same time, this may not have much of an effect on their life, and they could find their life getting even worse. So you’re going to be doing all the ‘right’ things, but your life isn’t going to change.

They might start to wonder if there is something else and if it is not just their thoughts that control their life. However, this may not happen and one could end up blaming themselves for what is happening.


However, it may not stop there as other people could also end up blaming them for what they are going through. No matter what is happening to them, these people might say that you were ‘attracted’ into their life.

Therefore, if you are in a relationship where the other person abuses you or if you are sick, it shows that you had too many ‘negative’ thoughts. And how the only way your circumstances will change is if you raise your vibration.

Lack of empathy

What they are going through is likely to cause them pain, and this pain can increase when they are told they are to blame. Ironically, it could be said that these people are going to be lowering your vibration so that you feel bad about what you are going through.

This is going to be a time where you need people to be sympathetic to what they are going through, not make their lives even more difficult. Maybe one is not doing anything wrong; they may just need to look a little deeper.

A surface level understanding

What this boils down to is that it’s not just what goes on in your mind that has an effect on your life; it is also what is happening in your body. One might be completely out of touch with what is happening here, but it will still have an effect on your life.

This may relate to the emotional pain that has accumulated throughout their life and the trauma they experienced when they were younger. There is also the possibility that they have a need to remain loyal to their ancestors, and this will prevent them from creating their own life.


Ultimately, this is not a black and white thing; there are a number of factors involved. And when it comes to what one wants to attract, it may be because of the trauma it carries.

Ergo, when they heal the trauma that is within them, they may discover that they no longer have the same goals. Because they will feel different on the inside, they will no longer need to change how they feel about accomplishing things.

If you are experiencing trauma and want to change your life, you may need to work with a therapist or healer.

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