Herbal Treatments for Endometriosis

Endometriosis can be treated with herbs with some success, but it requires some patience. Herbal treatment may require several months before seeing a favorable result. A natural health professional can help you come up with an action plan to treat your endometriosis. That plan may include changes to your diet, massage therapy, and possibly even acupuncture.

Although the exact cause of endometriosis is unknown, doctors believe that excess estrogen is a contributing factor. With this in mind, vitex berries have been shown to be quite effective in balancing a woman’s hormones and should be included in an endometriosis treatment formula. I care about maintaining hormones, you should also treat your liver with herbs. Burdock is particularly effective in maintaining liver function at its optimal level. The role of the liver is to help remove estrogen from the body.

When you suffer from endometriosis, you need to treat the various symptoms to get some relief. This means that you need to reduce the inflammation, bleeding, pain, and cramping that are often the main symptoms of the disorder. Cramp bark and wild yam work well for these symptoms. For cramps and other menstrual pain, a little evening primrose oil and ginger do the trick. Red raspberry will reduce bleeding and has long been believed by herbalists and midwives to strengthen the uterus.

Excessive bleeding, particularly excessive menstrual bleeding, can be reduced with horsetail. This herb may also have additional benefits for women with endometriosis because it is believed to keep scar tissue supple. This property can prevent new scar tissue from forming. It has been used throughout history to help with various medical conditions, such as tuberculosis outbreaks in the early 20th century, when it was used to reduce scarring in the lungs of patients.

Many women report that stress makes endometriosis pain worse. Also, the pain of endometriosis can cause you to experience stress. It is a vicious circle. There are several herbal remedies that can help reduce stress. Chamomile or peppermint can help soothe your digestive system and help you calm down. Valerian has some very relaxing properties that have earned it the nickname “herbal valium.” It can help you relax and fall asleep if you have insomnia. Oats are good too, either as food or some oat straw tea can help you relax and nourish your frayed nerves. Sometimes just a hot cup of chamomile green tea can make a world of difference.

Herbs can help alleviate the symptoms of endometriosis. They may take a little longer to work, but most have very few, if any, side effects and are natural cures that get to the root of the problem. Try a tea packed with healing herbs that can help with the pain and discomfort of endometriosis.

Soak some vitex berries, wild yam, and cramp bark in a large pot of water. Add some echinacea root, red raspberry, motherwort, and horsetail stems. Let everything steep for several minutes, strain the herbs and drink the tea. Two or more cups a day should give you some relief.

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