What is the ideal sleeping position during pregnancy?

The medical profession, as a result of research on the optimal sleeping position during pregnancy, now advocates that pregnant women sleep on their left side and strongly advises against sleeping on their backs. Also, while the medical profession does not actively discourage pregnant women from sleeping on their right, it does emphasize the benefits to both mother and baby if the sleeping position used during pregnancy is typically the lateral position. left. Obstetricians are quick to point out that sleeping on the left side during pregnancy improves blood flow to the placenta and increases the amount of nutrients that pass through the placenta and are available to the growing baby.

Sleeping on the left side also helps the kidneys remove waste products and excess fluids from the body. As a direct result of adopting this sleeping position, you are less likely to have swollen ankles or feet and hands that appear swollen and swollen. The art of sleeping on your left side is to start getting used to sleeping in this position while your pregnancy is in the first few weeks and then later when your abdomen becomes more difficult to handle, sleeping on your left will feel completely natural.

The worst sleeping position during pregnancy is sleeping on your back – it’s not good for you, and it doesn’t allow your developing baby to get as much of the valuable nutrients as it needs. Can you imagine the weight of the developing baby on all your vital organs, pressing them against your spine? The least of your worries in this regard would be severe back pain, but there may be even worse consequences.

The full weight of the uterus puts additional pressure on the muscles of the back, intestines, and the inferior vena cava, which is the main vein that carries blood from the lower body to the heart. So if you want to prevent back pain, slow digestive system, shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, and circulation problems, ignore and avoid sleeping on your back during pregnancy.

One of the worst effects of lying on your back to sleep during the third trimester of your pregnancy is the profound effect it has on your circulation. The effects vary and some women experience a distinct drop in blood pressure, causing them to feel dizzy and light-headed. In others, this sleeping position during pregnancy can result in high blood pressure and all the complications that it could entail, including the development of pre-eclampsia that could be life-threatening for both mother and baby.

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