System service exception error fix

The system service exception is a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) error. This error persists when an exception occurs during a system service and leads to a transition from a kernel to user mode. When this error occurs, the computer restarts and any unsaved data is lost.

This error can appear in the following cases:

1. When reading and sending emails
2. While browsing the Internet and downloading files from the Internet
3. Before the computer shuts down completely

What are you going to do now?

1. Update your drivers
2. Repair problems in the system registry
3. Change antivirus software
4. Replace RAM
5. Restore the system
6.Restore corrupted system files
7. Clear the web browser cache
8. Reset your web browser

Update your drivers

Outdated drivers can cause BSOD with exception of system service. Update your graphics, sound, and network drivers. To download the latest drivers, visit the respective manufacturers’ website. Or click Start | All programs | Accessories Windows updates and update all your drivers.

Repair problems in the system registry

Registry issues include inappropriate, outdated, and incorrect information in your system registry. The information in the system registry should always be up to date. Outdated and incorrect information can cause the BSOD error other than system service. It is recommended to use a registry repair software to perform the registry repair process. Make sure to reboot your machine after finishing.

Change antivirus software

Try uninstalling your existing antivirus software and installing another one. Otherwise, disable your real-time protection for a certain period of time until the problem is resolved.

Replace RAM

Bad RAM can show the BSOD with a system service exception error. If you have only one RAM, remove it temporarily and install another. If you have multiple RAMs, please test them one by one separately.

Restore the system

With the System Restore program, restore the state of your computer to a previous day so that the BSOD error with the exception of the system service does not occur again. This is because; System Restore will restore the registry and file versions to a previous day that you select. To do this, click Start | All programs | Accessories System Tools | System restore.

Restore corrupted system files

System file corruption leads to various problems such as system service exception error. There is a little tool called System File Checker installed on your computer that helps you to restore corrupted system files with original file.

1. Insert the Microsoft Windows operating system DVD ROM.
2. Click Start | To run.
3. Type SFC / ScanNow and press ENTER.
4. Follow the instructions.
5. Restart the computer after finishing.

Clear the web browser cache

Bad and corrupt files cached in your web browser block it and can cause BSOD with system service exception error. To clear the web browser cache, install the system cleaning software and click the Delete button to perform the task.

Reset your web browser

The word “Reset” I used is not only restricted to settings; but it includes operations such as removing newly installed plugins, toolbars, search engines, and clearing web history, cache, and passwords. This will help avoid the error.

1. Open Internet Explorer.
2. Click Tools | Internet Options.
3. Click on the Advanced tab.
4. Click the Reset button in the Reset Internet Explorer settings box.
5. Check the Delete personal settings box.
6. Click the Reset button to start the process.

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