Apostles everywhere!

It’s raining apostles!

Yes, they are everywhere!

In Islam, the Apostles are the same as prophets, men who were sent by God, or who received a special revelation from God, which is written and to be dispersed everywhere. Abraham, Moses, Aaron, David, Jesus, Muhammad, and several other men we would call prophets are actually on the list of Islamic apostles.

The Mormon Church has its “Quorum” of 12 Apostles, a governing body in Mormonism that, in addition to the Presidency, seeks leadership in the same general way that the College of Cardinals in Rome is respected.

And of course there is Rome. Rome believes that her bishops, the ruling authorities of that communion, are successors to the Apostles, and are to rule entire cities of the “faithful”, though no such description was ever made of any known Bible Apostle. The Apostles we meet by studying the Scriptures were quite transient and relinquished their “power” to local congregations and their ministers. The hierarchy is difficult to trace in the book of Acts and the epistles. However, it is quite easy to see in the Roman Empire, which later served as a model for an increasingly power-hungry Church leadership.

No, the successors of the Apostles are not the bishops of the Roman Church. The successors of Paul and Peter and the others, are the martyrs of the true church of Jesus Christ through the years.

Where else can we find apostles today? In your church or in mine? Oh no, you say. There are no apostles in my church. We know that they became extinct after the first century. Well well, what do you call that boy you send to Africa, and the one who is in India supported by your congregation or denomination?

Oh that. We call these brothers “missionaries”.

Good. What does that mean, and where might I find warrant for that title in the works of the Holy Spirit authors?

Well, a missionary is just someone who is sent, sent to preach the Gospel. I guess the word itself is not in the Bible. We made it up.

Right and wrong. True, a missionary is someone who is sent. Wrong in the biblical reference. All you did was change the language. “Missionary” means “one feels” from the Latin mitto. And isn’t there a word that means “one sent” in the New Testament?

Oh. Apostle?

you got it. Apostle is the same word as missionary, although it comes from the Greek apostello. So, do you have apostles in your church?

Yes, but it’s not the same as a Bible Apostle.


Well, the Apostles in the Bible did miracles, for example. And they had authority over the whole church. They are listed as “firsts” by Paul. Also, they were all eyewitnesses of Jesus Christ, and they were all called personally by Him, not by the church. Paul was an Apostle, he said, not of men nor by men, but by Jesus Christ.

All true, but the term was passed down through the centuries anyway. Rome claimed it as a way of linking her hierarchy to the days of Acts. Now we even use it to describe men who are sent into the world with the Gospel.

So, we are forced to create a distinction. The apostles of Christ were those original first century brethren who came directly from the Lord. Church apostles, well, that can include a host of other people. But let’s make sure we don’t capitalize the “a”. And maybe we should use an asterisk, like they do in baseball records.

When someone asks me if there are Apostles in the church today, I quickly say yes! I am not referring to those “asterisk” brothers (and sisters), but rather to the writings given to us by brothers (and not sisters) qualified biblically honest to goodness. We still have Matthew in the church today. and John and Paul and Peter We also have several men who were very close to these men, knew their lives, saw them minister, clung to their words. Brand. Luke. Judas and James, the half brothers of Jesus.

But wait. There is more. Enter the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) and many other self-styled apostolic groups who believe they are on a mission from God in our day to restore the New Testament Apostle with all the authority, power of the Spirit, and influence that the originals had. This is called muddying the water.

I have spent hours listening to these men. I frankly respect some of his teachings and honesty. Some of them are truly beyond reproach morally and ethically. I have learned not to condemn or judge anyone who can truly be a brother in Jesus. But I’ve also learned to ask any of them the right questions and expect good answers. If there are no good answers, I move on. In some cases, I share my findings with you. I am currently researching a man who is going strong in this apostolic movement. When I finish the study, I’ll pass it on to you, so you can be warned, if necessary.

God’s people have been too disappointed. Gullible sheep we are. So easily distracted and away from the truth. I myself have been guilty of following some of the worst. God has had to put my nose back in the Word several times. Eat this! He says. That other thing is poison.

Paul spoke of the false apostles in his day. Like Paul’s detractors, today’s detractors can morph into light and take your money and time and move on faster than you can say, “I’ve been let down.”

Today’s men often become apostles at the suggestions of other men. Twice in a week recently someone told me I had “apostle” or “apostolic” in my ministry. Sounds really good. So tempting. Some men fall into the trap and begin to see what others see. Before you know it, everyone is calling that person an apostle. After a while, there is even a lawsuit for that title. And worst

This was not how the true apostles of the Bible arose. You know the scriptures. Jesus appeared to them, called them, they accepted. Period. I’m still making room, both in Scripture and today, for the “little” guys, you know? missionaries people feel

But we don’t need more bossy types to come among us and take over. Which seems to be the agenda for some. A total reorganization of the church, with the new “apostles” on top.

Did you notice in the scriptures that there is no list of qualifications for an apostle? That is to say, there is not a set of requirements that I expose to the church so that someone who is interested can test, train, etc., as there is for pastors and deacons. Jesus chooses. trains sends. The church must be out of hand if a Bible type Apostle appears. Which lets me know that there probably aren’t any of these, because, well, because there’s no need for such.

The apostles laid the foundation. Today’s apostles are really trying to establish some new ground rules, but the Scriptures must win. That is, the words of the original Apostles trump the words of those who claim to be “Capital A” Apostles today.

Why else do modern candidates believe they are Apostles, and why do many people “go” to them?

The answer, of course, is miracles. Real or not or promised or assumed. Yes, the real miracles are out there, I believe it. They come in answer to the prayers of faithful and faith-filled believers. God is no respecter of persons. And often when people go to a meeting expecting Jesus to heal them, he does. Why not? Did God ever tell us that he would stop answering prayer after the first century passed?

But if an “apostle” is running that meeting, guess who gets the credit sometimes? And the star power of him rises from there. Rome has also been big on this through the years. When a Pope dies, those who want him to be “advanced” after death must present a miracle that he performed. So he can be St. So-and-so. Just a miracle.

If a brother believer, call it what you want, lower case or upper case, makes the prayer of faith and God listens and answers because that’s how God is, suddenly we have an Apostle A Capital Letter in our hands. He may fail in his prayers for hundreds of people, but a miracle brings him to the club.

Where am I going here? Jesus and the Twelve healed all who came to them. It was such a surge of energy that it constantly drew crowds and got the Healer in serious trouble.

In America, I’m pretty sure that 100%, and nothing close to it, isn’t happening. God heals. But healers are not therefore Apostles of the Bible. They need to renounce and admit that their faith is not like that of the men of old, nor their gifts, nor their craft.

Those who continue to elevate themselves, giving themselves titles, receiving honor among men, will one day be humiliated. They will be exalted who suppress their ambitious desire for a title, and humbly serve like the little child Jesus used as a model.

But those seeking the office of Bible Apostle will soon discover that all positions are filled. The foundations of the New Jerusalem are ugly, and the names of no modern apostles are on those pillars. Get over it, ladies and gentlemen, and join the grassroots servants of Jesus.

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