Astro analyzing eye problems and disorders

Eyes are the best gift in our life and they play an important role in our life. Our eyes work like the most sophisticated electronic automatic camera. Eye pupils open for focus adjustment; consequently, the muscles of the eyes contract or expand to allow adequate light to enter the interior. Colors are identified and a suitable image develops in our mind. The whole process is automatic. Now, due to different reasons, if the functioning of the eyes is disturbed, there may be temporary or permanent damage to the eyes.

If the proper care is not taken for eye diseases that seem minor or if the wrong treatment is given, there is a possibility of losing sight.

Astrological factors that influence sight:

house 2/12: the 2nd and 12th signs of the zodiac rule the right and left eye respectively.

Sun Moon: The Sun rules the right eye and the Moon rules the left eye.

Venus/Jupiter: Venus rules the second sign Taurus and Jupiter rules the 12th sign Pisces. Therefore, if Jupiter and Venus are placed in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses together with the lord of the ascendant, they can cause eye problems.

Mercury: It governs sight and the optic nerves.

Astro analyzing different eye diseases:

optic atrophy:

  • Damage to the optic nerves by organisms outside the eyes, such as syphilitic infection, increased intracranial pressure arising from brain tumor, allergies to drugs or chemicals, optic nerve degeneration can cause optic atrophy.
  • The affliction of the Sun and the Moon in the 2nd and 12th house and Mercury in strong affliction in the chart can cause optic atrophy in the native.


  • This is a serious eye disease caused by the sudden increase or pressure exerted by fluid in the eye against other parts. If this pressure is not relieved, it will stiffen the eyeball, damage the retina and optic nerves, and can also cause blindness.
  • Sun and Moon afflicted in the 2/12 house by Saturn/Rahu, the native may suffer from glaucoma.


  • The eyes can focus on near objects but distance vision is blurry. It is also known as myopia.
  • The afflicted Sun and Moon can give myopia problems.

Colour blindness:

  • The patient becomes unable to distinguish between the color red and green.
  • Venus is in great affliction, especially for Saturn and the sign Taurus is also in great affliction which can cause color blindness in the native.


  • Due to the opacity or crystalline lens of the eye or its capsule, the victim is unable to see normal objects correctly due to the loss of opacity of the lens of the eye.
  • Venus/Jupiter placed in the 8/6/12 houses in association with the lord of the ascendant and the Sun and Moon are afflicted in the 2/12 houses.
  • Afflicted Mercury placed in the 12/2 house can cause cataracts.

Squint Eyes/Boss Eyes:

  • In this condition, the eyes are not correctly aligned with each other.
  • Native born during the day and the Moon and Mars combined in the eighth house indicate crossed eyes.
  • Moon/Mars placed in ascendant and aspected by Jupiter/Venus indicates squinting eyes.
  • Mars placed in the seventh house aspecting the Moon in the sign of Leo and the lord of the ninth placed in Aries/Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn is indicated by squinting.
  • Mars placed in the 7th, Aspecting the Sun placed in the sign of Cancer and the Lord of the 9th placed in Aries/Leo/Scorpio/Capricorn indicate a boss-eyed native.
  • The Moon and the Sun placed in the 2/12 house indicate a clear disorder of crossed eyes.
  • The Sun and Moon combined with retro planets in the 6th and 12th houses indicate a squint.

Problem in only one eye:

  • Any malefic placed in the 6th house gives weakness to the left eye and any malefic placed in the 8th house gives trouble to the right eye.
  • The Moon placed in the 2nd and the Sun in the 12th house respectively give problems to the left and right eyes.
  • Mars placed in the 12th house gives problems to the left eye if Saturn placed in the 12th house gives problems to the right eye.
  • Sun placed in the ascendant/seventh house and aspected by Saturn, the native will gradually lose sight in the right eye.
  • Sun combined with Rahu/Mars in ascendant/seventh house aspected by Saturn indicates left eye disease.
  • Moon Positioned in Leo ascendant and aspected by Saturn and Mars, the native will have a diseased left eye.
  • The Sun and Saturn combined in the 9th house and without having any beneficial influence indicate that the native will have a crossed left eye and the Sun placed in the Leo ascendant and aspected by Saturn and Mars indicates a narrowed right eye.
  • Sun/Moon placed in the 12th and 6th house indicates a problem in the left eye.
  • The Sun/Moon placed in the 2nd and 8th house indicates the squinting right eye.


  • Due to infections, accidents, or degenerative eye diseases, the native may temporarily or permanently lose total vision.
  • The Sun and the Moon afflicted by Saturn in the 12/2 house and the affliction of the signs Taurus and Pisces can cause blindness.
  • The 2nd house is aspected by Saturn and the Moon and the 12th house has a conjunction of Saturn and Mars aspects, the native will be completely blind.
  • The Sun and Moon and the 2nd and 12th houses become subject to the aspects/association of Mars and Saturn, the native may lose sight.
  • Mars, the Moon, Saturn and the Sun should respectively occupy the 2nd, 6th, 12th and 8th houses. The native will be stone blind.
  • The lords of the ascendant, 2nd, 5th, 7th and 9th placed together in the 6/8/12 house can give the native stone blindness.
  • In Leo, the rising Sun and Moon combined in rising and aspected by Saturn and Mars indicate that the native will be completely blind from birth, but if the combination is aspected by Saturn or Mars, the native will become blind after birth.
  • The Sun and Rahu combined in ascendant and Saturn and Mars arranged in trine can cause blindness.
  • Sun and lord of the ascendant combined in house 2/6/8/12 the native will be blind from birth.
  • Mars in the 2nd and the Sun in the 8th house can cause blindness.
  • The Moon in the 6th house and Saturn in the 12th house can also have a strange sight.
  • Saturn, Mars and the Moon placed in the 6/8/12 houses indicate blindness.
  • Mars is the lord of the 2nd, the Sun and Moon placed in the 8th house and Saturn placed in the 6th/8th/12th house indicates blindness.
  • The lords of the 2nd and 12th combined with Venus and the lord of the ascendant in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses indicate loss of sight.
  • The Moon placed in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses and Saturn and Mars combined in any house show loss of sight.
  • From the ascendant Moon placed at 6, Sun placed at 8, Mars placed at 2 and Saturn placed at 12 indicates the certainty of losing sight for the native.

Eye twitching/blinking:

  • The involuntary contraction of the eye muscles causes the eyelid to blink.
  • Any malefic planet located in the second house is also influenced by any benefic planet that indicates blinking.
  • The Moon/Sun placed in the Leo ascendant and aspected by malefic and benefic planets indicates blinking of the eyes.

Night blindness:

  • The native cannot see at night or in low light.
  • The Lord of the 2nd combined with Venus and the rising Moon can cause night blindness.
  • Venus and Mars combined in the seventh house and aspected by malefics can cause night blindness.

General eye problems:

  • Venus placed in the ascendant/eighth house and aspected by a malefic planet indicates that constant tears will flow from the eyes.
  • The Lord of the 2nd is associated or aspected by the Sun and Mars indicates redness of the eyes.
  • Rahu placed in the 5th house aspected by the Sun indicates eye problems.
  • Saturn positioned in the 4th house aspected by malefic indicates eye problems.
  • Mars and Rahu combined in an ascendant indicate eye problems.
  • Weakened moon postulated in the 12/6 house and aspected by malefic
  • The Moon is in second place after the Sun in the horoscope and is combined with malefic.
  • Moon placed in 10ยบ aspected by malefic without having any beneficial aspect can cause problems in the eyes.
  • Malefic planets placed in the 4th and 5th houses and the Moon in the 6th, 8th and 12th houses indicate eye problems.
  • The sun is in opposition with the ascendant or with Mars, which makes it difficult to see.
  • The combined Sun and Moon in Cancer/Leo and aspected by Mars and Saturn indicate weak eyes.
  • Monday and the sun combined in the 9th house indicate an eye disorder.
  • Mars placed second to the Sun indicates problems in the eyes and if Mercury placed second to the Sun indicates some mark in the Eye.




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