Blue screen errors: how to fix them

Do you get frustrated every time your computer suddenly turns into a blue screen with all kinds of numbers and letters? I feel your pain. Almost everyone who uses a computer has experienced something like this for once in their lives. If you’re wondering if your computer is broken, let me tell you: no, it’s not. However, you are experiencing blue screen errors. This error, more notoriously known as the “blue screen of death”, is an error that is displayed by many operating systems, especially Windows system, once it encounters a critical error. This is a way to prevent further damage to the system. The usual error message is the one that asks if you have recently installed any kind of software or hardware and asks you to restart your computer. Ctrl + Alt + Delete usually works great for computer users, but it won’t work for blue screen of death. You will probably end up restarting your computer. This can be a problem for some users who have unsaved data before the error occurs.

Software and hardware installation can sometimes be the cause of blue screen errors over time. Once you install too many programs on your computer, the entire system can start running as slow as a turtle. Some programs that are not really needed take up too much space in the CPU resources. When this happens, even the simple task of loading Microsoft Office or opening a window will take forever. Computer shutdown will also be a problem.

What are possible ways to fix these errors? The most basic way to fix the blue screen of death is to simply restart your computer. You can also turn off the computer and turn it back on after a while. If a reset works, then you are one lucky person. You can start saving your files to a backup disk in case the error occurs again. However, if you belong to the unfortunate people who cannot fix the problem with a simple reboot, there is something more serious inside your system.

One of the most effective methods to fix the blue screen of death is by using a registry cleaning program. A registry is a central database where files of all kinds are stored. Since people are very fond of downloading various materials from the Internet and other resources now, they tend to forget about the risks involved. Some unwanted programs and files consume too much registry space. The registry cleaner will usually clean the registry, removing all unimportant programs or files and keeping the ones the computer needs. Correct the errors if there are any.

If the error persists after using the registry cleaner, check your computer’s RAM. There are 2 sticks of RAM in the computer. Remove one and see if the computer works. When you remove one of the sticks and the error goes away, it means that the RAM stick is dysfunctional. What you have to do is buy a new stick. However, if you tried all the methods mentioned above and still can’t get rid of the blue screen error, the only thing left to do is to go to a computer store or have your PC reformatted by a technician.

Before reformatting your PC and losing all the necessary files, you’d better try other ways to fix the error. Make reformatting your last resort. The Internet is a good source for different methods to fix blue screen errors. Find one that you can apply on your own to avoid expenses. Finally, once your computer is fixed, prevent the error from happening again. Avoid downloading unnecessary files to decrease the chances of the “blue screen of death” reoccurring.

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