Can Onions Improve Vision?

The role of nutrition in improving visual health is well documented in many scientific research studies. There are certain foods that protect the health of the eyes and also reduce the incidence of eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. When it comes to a class of veggies that improve our vision, it’s easy to think of veggies like broccoli, kale, spinach, carrots, and Brussels sprouts. However, you will probably be surprised to learn that onions are also in the class of foods that improve visual health. Onions have often gotten a bad rap, as some people tend to hate them because they burn your eyes when you cut them. However, did you realize that this eye food is actually packed with nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that support healthy vision? In case you didn’t know, here are some health benefits of onions for better eye health.

Onions are part of the family of vegetables known as alliums. This eye food is known as one of the most commonly grown vegetable classes with close cousins ​​like chives, garlic, and Chinese onions, to name a few. These vegetables come from a subcategory of foods rich in phytochemicals. They have medicinal healing properties that protect the heart and immune system from free radicals that destroy healthy cells in the body. These are some of the benefits of onions for visual health:


Onions possess sulfur compounds that are responsible for producing an essential antioxidant that is vital for protecting eye health called L-glutathione. This particular antioxidant protects against oxidative damage to the eyes by protecting and strengthening the lens. This antioxidant protection reduces the incidence of eye diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration, and glaucoma. Due to the fact that eating onions increases L-glutathione levels, the antioxidant action of this master antioxidant protects lens health and reduces the risk of cataract formation. Also, red onions contain quercetin; Another essential nutrient that promotes vision that plays a role in improving eyesight and preventing cataract formation.


Onions have a nutrient called quercetin that promotes heart health and reduces cancer risks. Onions have also shown promise in terms of hypoallergenic properties. For example, in scientific laboratory research studies, they play the role of antihistamines that help prevent allergic reactions in the body. Onions also have an ingredient called inulin. This substance is a water-soluble form of dietary fiber that has a positive effect in supporting the healthy function of the digestive system, thus preventing many digestive problems. This is due to the fact that it nourishes the beneficial bacteria of the digestive tract. Research shows that eating flavonoid-rich foods like onions actually reduces bacteria in the stomach that cause stomach ulcers. Therefore, onions are a good nutritional remedy for stomach ulcers.

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