Can you cure depression just by eating the right foods?

Is depression caused by the environment, genetics, existing mental health problems, or biological factors? Currently, biochemists are linking hormones, diet, physiological well-being, and depression.

Our brain generates and stores our emotions. A part of the brain called the hippocampus is responsible for storing non-emotional data, like where you live and your social security number. Another part of the brain called the hypothalamus is the commander of your hormonal communications, deciding which gland should release which hormones, at what level, and at what particular time.

The central processing unit for your emotions and willpower will operate in concert with the hypothalamus if you were in, say, a heated argument. Your physical reaction comes from hormones produced in the hypothalamus, and your body will react to this emotional stress by raising your heart rate, inducing sweating, and raising your blood pressure.

The range of emotions that we are capable of producing is very wide, but the hormones that control them are not. There are two primary hormones called eicosanoids and cytokines that our brain produces to deal with a variety of emotional situations.

The omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil help control both hormones, giving you the ability to deal with your emotions more efficiently.

Depressed people also have depressed immune systems just like chronically stressed patients. Laughter has been shown to reduce inflammation and boost the immune system. The saying “laughter is the best medicine” may not be the simple feel-good saying we thought; may have real medical value.

There is a connection between the brain and the body, and it is hard not to notice how easily patterns can develop that can keep a person in a depressed state. Without breaking these chain reactions through diet or medication, it can be very difficult to think about how to get out of depression.

There are new and exciting discoveries to give people suffering from depression the chance to get better without prescription drugs and side effects. Our brains do a good job of making hormones to deal with stress, but too many of those hormones lead to inflammation that leads to disease and so on.

Diet, exercise, supplements, and stress management are the promising keys to cracking this puzzle wide open. Supplementing your diet with high doses of fish oil reduces levels of inflammatory hormones, which can help your depression and overall health. Fish oil can also help increase serotonin, which is “the happy hormone.”

The depression cycle will also cause the brain to tell you to eat all the wrong things for a few brief moments of happiness. Keep your insulin levels stable by not eating sugary foods, but eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. If you give in to these cravings, you start the vicious cycle all over again.

Finding the right foods and supplements to stop these cycles and give people suffering from depression the chance to feel good again is a worthwhile quest.

Combating these natural reactions with synthetic drugs may work in the short term, but the ability to change the cycles of your brain and body naturally may be a long-term solution that can lead to a longer, healthier life.

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