Coping With Penis Atrophy: Causes, Treatment, And Prevention

Penis atrophy, two words that no man wants to hear together. Unfortunately, it happens. Not completely sure what penis atrophy is? Also known as penis shrinkage, it is the decrease in the length and / or girth of the penis caused by extensive loss of penile tissue. This condition can be temporary or, in more severe cases, the loss of tissue can be permanent. In any case, there are several ways to reverse it (in the case of temporary atrophy) or to compensate for it. Let’s update what can cause penis shrinkage, as well as possible treatments and how to protect yourself against it.

Causes of penis atrophy

There are several different causes of penis atrophy. Here are some of the most common:

1) More candles on the birthday cake. As a man ages, his penis can be the victim of many small sports or sex-related injuries that cause a build-up of scar tissue. This can affect the spongy erectile tissue and eventually lead to penis shrinkage.

2) Put on the pounds. Weight gain, specifically around the stomach, can make the penis appear smaller. This occurs because the penis is attached to the abdominal wall, and when the stomach expands, it pulls the penis inward, making it appear smaller.

3) Peyronie’s disease. This is where fibrous scar tissue develops inside the penis, causing it to curve during erections. This can be very painful for men. Peyronie can cause a reduction in both the length and girth of a man’s penis.

4) Medication. Some medications can make the penis shrink. They include, but are not limited to, medications such as Adderall, some antipsychotics and antidepressants, and some medications that are prescribed to treat an enlarged prostate.

5) smoking. Smoking damages the blood vessels in the body, including those in the penis. This can prevent the penis from filling with blood to create an erection, resulting in a smaller appearance. Smoking also causes a general loss of tissue, and men who cannot quit the habit may find that, over time, the length of their penis can decrease by an inch or more.

Treatments for penis atrophy

Regardless of the cause of penile atrophy, there is a treatment that can help. Here are some treatments and tips to reverse or lessen the effects of penis shrinkage.

1) Lose weight. Get to a healthy weight with a sensible diet, regular exercise, and optimal sleep.

2) Stop smoking. Men who quit smoking should quit smoking (for many reasons), but especially to help their newbie members! Find a program, grab a patch, or just quit smoking to get the blood flowing!

3) Male enhancers. Pop the little blue pill to stimulate blood flow and experience a stronger, firmer erection. Heart patients should be careful when using drugs such as Viagra or Cialis. Always consult a doctor for a script to confirm that it is a safe option and will not interfere with other medications.

4) Surgery. For men with scar tissue or Peyronie’s disease, there are ultrasound and surgical technology options to remove the scar tissue. While the contraction is permanent in this case, it can enhance sensual sensation and performance.

Prevention of penile atrophy

While age is inevitable, there are some ways to prevent penis atrophy. Maintain a healthy weight and avoid smoking. Also, make sure you have frequent erections to exercise your penis and keep your blood vessels fit and ready for action. See a doctor regularly and don’t hesitate to discuss any new problems with your penis.

Make sure to keep the penis clean and well hydrated as well. After cleansing the skin with a mild cleanser, rinsing and gently drying, use a specially formulated penis health cream. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically shown to be safe and gentle on the skin) on the penis. These creams contain vital nutrients and minerals for the penis, not only to keep the skin supple but also strong and vital.

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