Cure Hemorrhoids Naturally: Treating Hemorrhoids With Ginger, Olive Oil, And Spinach

Hemorrhoids (also known as piles) are a very common ailment today that affects both women and men, both old and young. Hemorrhoids develop when the veins in the anal and rectal regions become varicose. Sometimes this is due to difficulty passing stool when a person is frequently constipated. There are other factors that contribute to the growth of hemorrhoids, such as aging, frequent diarrhea, and old age.

Hemorrhoids are a very uncomfortable and painful problem, which is why those who suffer from them are desperate for quick cures. Common symptoms include blood in the stool, pain when trying to have a bowel movement, and itching in the anal region.

Why you can and should treat hemorrhoids with things that you will find in your kitchen?

Of course, you can always go to the doctor to ask for various creams and medicated pills to treat hemorrhoids. However, they are often very expensive and sometimes ineffective. Also, remember that most medications have side effects that you may have to deal with.

If you use the things that you normally find in your kitchen, you can save a lot of money. Did you know that you can actually treat hemorrhoids with items that you probably have around your house right now? You don’t have to go out and buy fancy things that could cost hundreds of dollars. Try the safest and most natural option and treat hemorrhoids yourself. There are no side effects to this home cure, which is not only cheap but also very effective.

How to use ginger, olive oil and spinach to treat hemorrhoids?


Ginger is one of the best hemorrhoid treatments available. Here’s how you can make your own all-natural hemorrhoid medicine that is tasty and effective. Mix half a teaspoon of fresh ginger juice with one teaspoon of fresh mint juice and one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice. Add a tablespoon of honey to make the mixture taste better and drink it every day. You should see improvements in your hemorrhoids within two weeks.

Olive oil and spinach

It is well known that spinach has antioxidants and is effective as an anti-inflammatory when combined with olive oil. Get three fresh spinach leaves and a tablespoon of olive oil. Chop the leaves as finely as you can and mix them well with olive oil. Stir the mixture until it is doughy.

Get a latex glove to make sure the hemorrhoids don’t get infected. Dip your fingertip into the paste and gently apply it to the hemorrhoids. Put the rest of the spinach and olive oil paste on sterile gauze and place it directly on the rectum, holding it in place with a bandage or plaster. Change the gauze whenever you feel the paste is drying.

You should continue to do this until the inflammation from the hemorrhoids begins to dissipate. You will see improvements in just one day; although you should continue to apply the spinach and olive oil bandage until the hemorrhoids dry completely.

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