Diagnosis and treatment of acne


Acne vulgaris, or acne, is a very common skin infection problem that begins when oil and dead skin cells clog the skin pores. Some people refer to the problem as blackheads, whiteheads, whiteheads, or pimples. When you only have a few red spots or pimples, you may have a mild form of acne. Severe acne can mean hundreds of pimples that can cover the face, neck, chest, and back area. Acne can be larger or solid red bumps that are painful cysts. This is called cystic acne. Often young people have at least mild acne at some point in their lives, possibly even in their early 20s. Acne usually improves after adolescence. Many adult women still have acne breakouts in the days before their menstrual periods. It can cause severe skin scarring and pigmentation.

The way you feel about your acne may not be related to the severity of the condition. Some people with serious illnesses don’t mind. Others feel embarrassed or upset even if they only have a few pimples. There are many treatments that can help treat and control your symptoms. There is no quick, quick, or permanent cure, but it can be treated and improved consistently, progressively, and effectively with modern soaps, washes, antibiotic creams, and lasers in the 21st century. It starts when excessive oil products and dead skin cells clog the skin pores. Pores retain oil and sweat. If germs get into the clogged pores, the result can be an infection by Propion acnes and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria and the epidermis. Swelling, redness, and pus make up the infection. Infections can decrease from a few days to just a few hours.

It often begins in the early teen years for most people. This is due to hormonal changes at puberty that cause the skin to produce more oil. The pores become larger and open more allowing bacteria to enter the skin. The flow rate of the oils in the pores from the bottom to the surface is slowed by the widening of the pore size. You usually don’t get acne from eating chocolate, cakes, nuts, or greasy foods. You can make acne worse if you use products for oily skin that clog your pores. Acne is made worse by constantly putting your hands on your face or letting oil sit on your skin.

Acne can run genetically in families. If one of your parents had severe acne, you are more likely to have acne than the general population. Acne symptoms can include whiteheads, blackheads, and pimples. Acne can be painful if infected and can cause permanent hypopigmentation or hyperpigmentation of the skin.

To help control acne and prevent permanent scarring, keep your skin clean. Keep all hair out of your face. Avoid all pore-clogging oily skin products. Avoid conditioners and oily hair products. Use products that are non-comedogenic. Wash your skin once or twice a day with a mild soap or acne cleanser. Use a new, clean wipe to gently wash your hands before use. Use a clean towel each time. Change your pillowcase daily and your sheets every few days or every day. Make an effort not to aggressively scrub or pick at your pimples at all. This can make acne worse and can often cause scarring. Do not squeeze your pimples, pimples or blackheads.

For just a few rare pimples, you can buy an over-the-counter acne cream. Look for one that has benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid in it. These work best when used as directed on the label. It can take time to control acne. Continue using the same treatment for about 4 weeks. You may even notice that acne may get worse before it gets better. If your skin does not improve or worsens after about 4 weeks, try another product. If your acne is really bothering you or you are noticing scarring on your skin, see your doctor. A prescription skin gel or cream may be all you need. Your doctor may use antibiotic pills, creams, soaps, and medicines or laser procedures. A combination of acne treatments or washes may work best. If you are a woman, taking certain birth control pills can help improve your acne or can make it worse. You may have an acne breakout due to stress or your menstrual period.

If you have large or painful acne cysts, quickly talk to your doctor about a stronger medication. Certain medicines work very well, but others can cause depression, birth defects, suicidal tendencies, or high cholesterol. This is not a great option and is usually a last resort. Special laser treatments can work very well with an oral antibiotic and a wash. Tell your doctor if you have had depression before taking these medicines. If you are a woman, you should protect yourself against pregnancy by using two forms of birth control. Even a single dose of this medicine can cause birth defects if a woman takes it while she is pregnant.

There are acne skin treatments and makeup that can help acne scars look better and skin feel smoother. Ask your doctor about them. The best treatment for you depends on the severity of the disease and the severity of the scarring. You may need to have your scar tissue removed and possibly an injection of hyaluric acid. Hyaluric acid softens dimpled scars by filling in the base of the skin volume below the pit or scar. You can get the best results with a combination of treatments. The best way to get rid of scars is with a computerized erbium laser dermabrasion. Skin rejuvenation with an erbium removes all surface and deeper scars and pits and the new skin will grow back beautifully without pits and/or scars. This is not microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion erodes superficial dead tissue that leaves deeper scars. You look great for a few weeks. In about a month it all comes back and you do it over and over again. The results of erbium CT dermabrasion are quite flawless and generally last a lifetime, often completely eliminating infection or scarring.

John Drew Laurusonis MD
Medical Center Doctors

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