Five Steps to Opioid Withdrawal Treatment

Opioid withdrawal treatment requires a personalized approach for each individual. The severity of withdrawal symptoms depends on how long the patient has been addicted, what drugs she used, and other personal details such as age, height, and weight. However, there are some basics that most people go through, and a successful treatment approach should follow these steps when appropriate.

Step 1: the patient decides to quit smoking

Many addicts continue to use long after the pleasure of the original use of the drug is gone because they fear withdrawal symptoms or cannot imagine life without routine. A successful opioid withdrawal treatment plan will involve a patient who is fully committed to recovery and sobriety. Withdrawal symptoms will begin a few hours after the patient’s last use, so a coordinated detoxification effort will usually involve one last dose of the drug.

Step 2: Make the patient comfortable

When withdrawal begins, the patient should be in a quiet and comfortable place. There should be easy access to a bathroom, plenty of clean bedding, fluids with electrolytes to combat dehydration, and foods like orange juice and bananas that contain potassium to relieve muscle cramps. Warm baths, heating pads, massages, and distracting activities such as movies and books may also help.

In addition, over-the-counter medications that may relieve symptoms should be kept on hand. Motion sickness medications can help with nausea, Tylenol or NSAIDs can relieve muscle pain, and antihistamines can be used to treat insomnia and anxiety.

Step 3: Peak Symptoms

The hardest time in the detox is usually around 36-72 hours. Without a comfortable and caring environment, this is the time when many addicts relapse. Symptoms during this time are severe and usually include nausea and diarrhea, anxiety and panic attacks, muscle pain and cramps, insomnia, restlessness, fever, and hot flashes. Drug cravings are likely to be intense. The biggest risks during this time are dehydration and aspiration of vomit. Although the withdrawal rush is difficult and extremely unpleasant, it is usually not life-threatening.

Step 4: Symptoms Dissipate

As the symptoms begin to fade, it is very important for the patient to have a strong support system. This is a vulnerable time as the addict seeks to carve out a new image of himself, so the understanding of friends and family is vital. The patient will need to build a new, highly structured life to replace the old addiction lifestyle. Exercise, new friends, church, and school can be excellent ways for the patient to learn new habits while breaking old ones. Good nutrition is also important as the body seeks to rebalance itself.

Step 5: Long-term care

Some long-term symptoms after opioid withdrawal treatment may be present for up to a year in the most severe cases. These symptoms can include physical weakness, muscle pain, insomnia, and anxiety. These are long-lasting effects of the psychological changes caused by addiction and can cause some addicts to relapse long after the physical pain has worn off. Treatment for these should include ongoing family support and counseling from a licensed professional.

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