Getting a Girl to Bed: Five Things Most Guys Overlook

Are you a guy who goes out night after night and never makes contact? You may not realize this, but how to get a girl into bed is a skill and a technique, just like anything else. When you master these strategies, you will see improvements immediately. Here are 5 great tips to help you perfect your game.

appearance is everything

Boys are tougher than girls, and we don’t give a fuck how we look. We think of it as a feminine trait, and we are DEADLY wrong. Girls love guys who care about how they look. From the way you do your hair, to the clothes you wear, to your shoes, looking good is essential. So, before you go out, spend some time looking at yourself in the mirror. If you have no idea about fashion, no problem. Just look at some men’s magazines to get some ideas. Spend a little money upgrading your wardrobe and wear your prettiest, trendiest yarns when you head out to the club.

make her feel great

When you are playing on the field, the most important thing is to pay attention. It’s not about you, it’s about her. Throughout the conversation, keep everything focused on her and make her feel good. Be generous and give him what he wants. Always compliment her, because self-esteem is one of the biggest things that keeps a girl from going to bed with a guy. If you make her feel really good just by talking at the club or hanging out somewhere, this tells her that you will make her feel good between the sheets too.

be playful

Serious guys aren’t the ones who get girls into bed. You have to have a sense of humor and playfulness. It is an essential part of flirting. Make jokes and make everything lighthearted. This is especially important when the crucial moment arrives: when the bar is closed and you are standing outside ready to go somewhere. Show him that the fun is not over yet!

be a good kisser

This has been proven by surveys in women’s magazines for decades: women love a guy who knows how to kiss. The first kiss is the prelude to everything that will happen later. If you’re handy at tonsil hockey, your imagination will tell you what else you’re handy at. Do not be nervous; enjoy the kiss as much as you will enjoy what comes after, and you will make her enjoy it too. The hardest part of the first kiss is making contact. Wait until the moment is right and read her body language to see if she’s ready, then move in for the kill. If you know how to kiss her really well and you get that first kiss, the rest will fall right into your lap.

stay on target

Here is something very important to keep in mind during your search for seduction: women love and need sex just as much as men. Society teaches women that it’s “wrong” to enjoy sex, and teaches us men that it’s okay. It’s not fair, but that’s the way it is. With this in mind, you should have confidence in the fact that she wants it as much as you do. It’s just a matter of playing your cards right and taking care of your time.

Once you’ve mastered your strategy on how to get a girl into bed, you won’t have any problems. Keep these five tips in mind as you search, and you’ll start to see how they work for you in no time.

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