Healthy Eating Habits: The Best Time to Eat Daily

Best time to have breakfast, lunch and dinner: – When it comes to having your three very basic and regular meals of the day, that is: breakfast, lunch and dinner, you simply push the food down your throat, just like any other chore of the day, which will be done daily, without paying attention to meal times. However, in order for these meals to provide your body with the proper amount of energy and nutrition, it is very important to consume them at the necessary time because the correct times are just as important as the meals themselves. So eating your food may seem very simple, but it can turn into one of those biggest mistakes that make a huge difference to your body, your overall health, and your fitness. Therefore, it is really imperative that each of us know the correct times to have their three regular meals.

Below are certain points that need to be observed and analyzed once, to instill the habit of eating at the required time:

How often do you delay your breakfast or skip meals after an intense workout? How often do you eat right before bed? Do you take long intervals between meals? Therefore, deciding the ideal time to eat can be a difficult question to answer.

Below are the proper guidelines that you should follow regarding your three regular daily meals, promising you a healthy lifestyle:


One should aim to eat within the 30 minute window, after waking up in the morning.

The best time to eat the first meal of the day is around 7 a.m. M.

Breakfast should not be delayed later than 10 a.m. M.

Make sure to include a good amount of protein in your breakfast.


Around 12:45 pm is the best time to have lunch.

You must maintain a difference of approximately 4 hours between your breakfast and lunch.

Lunch should not be delayed after 4pm


The best time for dinner is before 7 pm

A gap of 3 hours should be left between dinner and bedtime.

Delaying dinner after 10 pm is not considered a healthy practice.

Eating right before bed can prevent healthy sleep

What you don’t consume will likely be stored as fat, as it will turn out to be less dynamic towards the end of the day.

Overeating close to bedtime improves blood glucose and insulin levels, making it difficult to fall asleep.

Your last dinner should be the lightest of the day and should be eaten no later than three hours before bedtime at night.

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