How to drive safely through a tire blowout

You are driving down a highway, paying attention to the road ahead. Then – BANG! A sound like a gunshot pierces the air and his car begins to swerve. You just experienced a tire puncture. What you do in the next few seconds will make a big difference. Depending on what you do, you could end up with a simple flat tire or with your car in a ditch. Read on to learn not only how to safely handle a blowout, but also what you can do to prevent it and what to do afterward.


A flat tire is a special type of flat tire. The sidewall has broken, leaving a large tear in the tire that cannot be repaired. While many believe a flat tire is due in part to over-inflation, the real culprit is actually the opposite: under-inflated tires. It is not the rubber and steel that make a tire capable of supporting the weight of a car and its passengers. it’s the air. Without enough air, the components inside the tires flex and heat until they break down and burst. If the car is carrying a heavy load, the chance of a blowout is compounded. That is why it is important to periodically check the tire pressure. The proper pressure for a car’s tires is indicated on the driver’s side door jamb.

Another common way to get a flat tire is by driving on very worn and old tires. After a while, the rubber begins to thin and a blowout is more likely to occur. To see if your tires are worn too much, use the penny test. Tape the edge of a penny to the tread of your tire so that Abe Lincoln’s head is hidden by the tread. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, his tires are too worn to drive. However, if you can’t afford to replace the tire, try rubbing it with vegetable oil. The oil will moisten the rubber, allowing it to be more flexible and lessening the chances of an explosion.

What to do during a blowout

When the tire blows out, the one thing you absolutely must not do is apply the brake. Because one of your tires is now effectively useless, the brake will apply unevenly, causing your vehicle to swerve. If you drive a van or SUV, it’s very possible that your car could roll over when braking during a blowout.

Instead, you need to hit the throttle after an explosion. This may seem counter-intuitive, but when a tire blows out, your car’s speed can suddenly drop due to the drag caused by the flat tire. You should only step on the gas for a moment, so that the cars behind you are not surprised by your sudden drop in speed and ram you.

After you’ve quickly pressed down on the gas, you’ll notice that your car will want to swerve in the direction of the blowout. Keep your car stable, let it slow down gradually, and only when you are going below 30 miles per hour should you steer the vehicle to the side of the road.

What to do after a blowout

Once you have successfully steered your car onto the side of the road, you can start thinking about what steps you need to take next. You should always have a spare tire on hand. Now it’s time to change floors and continue to the nearest gas station. However, you must ensure that there is enough space around your car to work freely.

Do not attempt to change the tire if doing so will put you on the road and in a dangerous situation due to oncoming traffic. If you don’t have enough room to change the tire, or if you don’t have a spare, you should call a tow truck. Depending on where you are, you can decide to have the truck drop off your car at your home or at the nearest mechanic.

An explosion is likely to occur at least once in a person’s life. The important thing, above all, is to stay calm. An explosion is usually accompanied by a loud bang. Don’t let this irritate you. Follow the correct safety procedures and you’ll be back on the road in no time.

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