indoor gardening plants

Eventually we all get a houseplant, either as a gift or a plant from someone who is moving and can’t take their plants with them, instantly giving you the foundation for indoor gardening. Many times if you don’t know how to take care of it, the plant will wither and die. Other times, people start tending to the plant and suddenly become avid gardeners.

Indoor gardens are similar to outdoor gardens, only you are caring for plants in your house instead of in your garden. A great advantage of indoor gardening is that it can be enjoyed by people who live in cities without access to land. It is also a joyous pastime for people who are confined indoors. The real advantage is that they are healthy for us. Basically, plants take carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen (photosynthesis), thus purifying the air we breathe. Then you have attractive plants with additional benefits.

Indoor gardens are ideal for people who live in harsh, cold climates or someone who lives in an extremely hot climate. With an indoor garden, the gardener can manipulate the environment for their plants to thrive. If it’s sad, cold and grey, wouldn’t it be delightful to have beautiful plants scattered around your house that not only add beauty but also joy?

After choosing the plants you want to grow, you need to choose a container for it. You can opt for a small plant that can be placed on a counter or on a window sill. Even a large evergreen in a large pot can be placed next to your door or in a sunny spot in the corner. You must make a plan for your indoor garden. Find out where you want to place your indoor garden so you know how much space you have for plants. Once this is done, you can choose the container and the plants you want to grow. Don’t forget to research the plants’ needs, such as watering, sunlight, and food, before you go to the nursery.

Once you have gathered all of your material, you can start planting and arranging your indoor garden at home. When organizing your garden, be sure to place a plant that needs bright sun near a window. Plants that only need indirect light should be placed in a more comfortable spot with low or indirect sun for them. If you make a mistake, you will throw away your plants and buy new ones.

Don’t overlook planting an indoor herb garden, especially if you like to cook. Herbs need four to six hours of sun per day and loose, easily drained soil. They are pretty plants and will add zest to your meals.

If you have pets, choose your plants carefully. Pets and plants must be able to coexist peacefully in your home. Some plants are toxic to animals. You have to be sure that your animal and plant can live together. For example, cats may view a tall plant as a scratching tool or even a litter box. Cats have been known to wrap themselves around larger plants and curl up in the warm soil. Sometimes this can disturb the roots. One way to overcome this is to put ornamental rocks or crushed seashells right on top of the ground.

You can have an indoor garden and enjoy all the benefits of beautiful plants. Just do a little research at your local nursery or on the Internet. What are you waiting for? Start planting.

Happy inner garden!

Copyright © Maria Hanna, All rights reserved.

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