Integration of social networks in your email marketing campaigns

Social networks are exploding.

Everyone now has a Twitter profile, a LinkedIn profile or a Facebook page and the list goes on. This is fantastic and organizations are beginning to follow suit.

The transparency and genuine honesty that comes when you use these mediums does wonders for how people perceive you.

So how can you integrate your social media into your email marketing campaigns?

Here are 5 simple tips to get you started:

1) Include social media links in your email campaigns.
Your subscribers can easily and quickly share your email. Use tools like Tweet This, Digg This, Post to Facebook, etc. If you want to be really smart, link to the online versions of each article in your email campaign. This will give you a clearer understanding of who is sharing what and will drive people to your website.

Advantages: Quickly share your email with a larger network than just your subscriber database.

Cons: Writing valuable content for your email takes more time and effort, but the benefits far outweigh the time.

N’oubliez pas: This means that you will have to constantly write valuable and interesting content for your subscribers to share.

2) Do the same on your website.
Make it quick and easy for people to share your content using standard, easy-to-recognize images and text-based links. Also, include online versions of your email campaigns on your website as well.

This increases the valuable content contribution on your website without having to write anything else. (Plus, adding new content to your website will also have benefits for your search engine optimization (SEO), bonus!)

Advantages: Sharing your content with everyone who visits your website increases their chances of coming back. You are also positioning yourself as an industry leader and this will ultimately help your sales funnel.

Cons: This could take longer to implement if you don’t have a content management system (CMS) for your website and need to submit content to your web master for upload. Just plan ahead and you’ll be fine.

N’oubliez pas: Include a ‘subscribe to our newsletter’ link on every page of your website to increase your subscriber base.

3) Look at what is shared (and what is not).
Use your reports. Most email marketing reporting systems are set up to provide valuable data about your subscriber database, such as which link a subscriber clicks, when, and even how many times (if it’s a high number, this may indicate sharing via email forwarding).

This can give you a clearer understanding of what your database wants to hear from you. When you know this, you can start producing more valuable content in your campaigns to drive better results. This will naturally increase the number of people who share your content.

Advantages: The more people see it, the better.

Cons: People may not share anything. That’s the worst that can happen. So vary what you say until you see what people are sharing. If all else fails, ask your subscribers what they want (and then provide it).

N’oubliez pas: Give him this time and try to keep an open mind. Not everyone will like everything you say every time. He revisits the content that didn’t perform as well and compares it to a campaign that was more successful. Perhaps the magic is in how you say it, not in what you say. Remember that golden rule, test, test, test!

4) You’re already being social, so use it.
Your email client (such as Outlook, Hotmail, etc.) has a forward button, and your email markup company should be able to add one to your email template if you don’t already have one there. If your subscribers are using these facilities, they already find your content valuable enough to share. Maximize this and include the forward feature as part of your social sharing section.

Advantages: Using the forward button we provide in your email provides the ability for the recipient to subscribe to your database so you can send directly to them from now on.

Cons: The forward button within the email template is not always used, some subscribers will prefer to use the forward button in the email client (such as Outlook, Hotmail, etc.). Keep an eye on the high number of opens and clicks on an email address in your reporting section to get an idea of ​​who’s forwarding.

N’oubliez pas: Thank people for sharing your content in advance. It’s a nice touch, good manners, and can encourage those who wouldn’t normally share your content to do so.

5) Build on relationships that start socially.
How often do you see a ‘DM me your email so I can send you more information’ on Twitter? Sometimes short and sweet is not enough and more detail is needed.

The use of email will begin to open the doors of two-way communication. Also, make sure everyone knows where they can sign up for your email campaigns. Get your registration page online!

PS: Please do not send marketing campaigns unless you have a subscription option. Send people to your website to sign up and make sure it’s legal.

Advantages: More natural data for your subscriber database, which can only be good news.

Cons: You’ll likely get list churn (where people sign up and then unsubscribe from your next email campaign). Don’t take it personally, overall your numbers will increase.

N’oubliez pas: Take advantage of that brief connection in the social world and exchange email addresses. Email addresses are valuable, so don’t forget to return yours. This will begin to build trust and strengthen that relationship.

final thoughts
If you don’t ask, you don’t receive. Let people know they can share your content, and make it clear, quick, and easy.

Providing value will get you better feedback (such as higher open rates, click-through rates, and link sharing). A better response means you are more likely to achieve your goals.

Keep in mind that you need to guide your subscribers down the path to your goal, so don’t send emails without a long-term plan.

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