It just doesn’t work that way

Too many students wait until they enter their senior year or may even graduate before they start to think hard about their job search. That strategy doesn’t impress employers with the most desirable jobs.

Students who ignore needs, wants and expectations

from the best employers in your fields of interest

you won’t be rewarded with impressive job offers.

It just doesn’t work that way!

When disappointed students ask successful students about the secrets to their success, they don’t like the answers. The most successful students:

1. Identify a clear goal (goal)

2. Select a major and minor that support the goal

3. Give your best in the classroom

4. Research and understand the expectations of the target employer

5. Develop a multi-year plan with progressive steps

6. Gain work-related experience through campus and work activities.

7. Nurture referrals from professors and employers

8. Create a list of significant, work-related accomplishments

9. They are ready to give examples and tell interesting stories.

All this must be understood by the students before finishing the second year of the university. Knowing where they want to go is good. However, it is the follow-up during the junior and senior years that will determine your level of success in your target job market.

The most successful students understand that great jobs are not won or lost during interviews. Job postings are earned during your sophomore, junior, and senior years of college in classroom, campus activities, and work experience.

Wise students actively seek and fight for the jobs they most want.

The less disciplined students settle for the jobs offered to them.

If you compare the list below with the list above, it should be clear which group of students will end up with job offers from employers that pay well and have career potential.

The least successful students:

1. Not having a clear goal or objective

2. I can’t be sure that your senior and junior support you

3. Failing to excel in the classroom, campus activities, or at work

4. I don’t know what employers expect of them

5. Not having any plan to follow

6. Participate in jobs and activities not related to the jobs they are seeking

7. Don’t go out of your way to cultivate impressive referrals.

8. Have few achievements that impress employers

9. Do not develop examples or stories to use during interviews

Students who follow the first list will have more and better job options and opportunities than students who follow the second list. That should be obvious.

Clear thinking and hard work are not ingrained in all students. Some students never recognize that they have to compete for good jobs and therefore do not embrace the job search preparation activities that help ensure job success. They think employers will come after them no matter what they do. Unfortunately for them, it just doesn’t work that way.

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