Itchy penis? drink more water

It has to happen when a man least wants it. He’s at a party and he’s just met a woman he really wants to impress, for example, or he’s trying to close a deal with a difficult client, and what does he show up? An itchy penis situation, which can be incredibly embarrassing if he decides to scratch it. As far as penile health issues go, an itchy penis is relatively mild, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying. Therefore, men want to do everything they can to avoid penile itching, and drinking plenty of water is one way to help.

Dehydration and itching of the penis.

There are numerous causes of penile itching, including unwanted causes like pubic lice and scabies. But more often the itching is due to dry skin on the penis and the resulting discomfort. And dryness often occurs due to dehydration or not consuming enough water.

Dehydration can be a big problem in months of welding. It can also be a challenge in the summer; however, in the warmer months, people tend to be more aware of the water their body loses through sweat, and thus are often motivated to increase their water intake. Sweating is less pronounced in the winter, but dehydration can still occur. Cold weather is drier and consequently dries out the skin. This is as true for the skin on the penis as it is for the skin on other parts of the body.

Why does dry skin itch? Doctors aren’t sure, but many believe itchiness is a warning sign that the skin needs to be moisturized.

drinking water

Clearly, one of the best ways to deal with dehydration is to drink water. There are other liquids that one can drink, such as fruit or vegetable juices, but water is generally the best option when you want to really attack dehydrated skin. It is also advisable to avoid other liquids, such as alcohol or caffeinated sodas, as in some cases they can cause further dehydration.

Some foods can also be helpful in staying hydrated, such as citrus fruits, watermelon, and many vegetables with a high water content.

How much water should a person drink? Traditionally, adults are told to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. However, there are many variables at play. One recommendation that has become popular in recent years is for a person to estimate their weight (such as 180 pounds), cut it in half (90), and drink that amount of water in ounces (90 ounces). However, people who sweat more (naturally or due to physical exertion) will need to increase their intake.

It can be helpful to check for signs that a person is staying hydrated. For example, a man should check his urine. If it is colorless or pale yellow, it is more likely to be well hydrated. Very dark yellow or brown urine is often a sign that more fluids are needed. (It can also be a sign of other problems; if he remains discolored after increasing his water intake, a man should check with his doctor.)

However, drinking water is not the only solution to treat itchy penis. For example, sometimes dry skin can come from using strong soap or laundry detergent ingredients.

Drinking plenty of water is a great way to hydrate your skin and help prevent penile itching. Another valuable tactic is to apply a top-notch penis health cream daily. (Health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven to be gentle and safe on the skin.). However, not all creams are the same; what is needed is a cream with a combination of a high-end emollient (shea butter is ideal) and a natural moisturizer (such as vitamin E). These can help create a moisture lock to better keep the penis hydrated. A powerful antioxidant, such as alpha lipoic acid, is also advisable in a cream. Antioxidants fight excess free radicals and thus help prevent skin damage caused by oxidative stress.

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