Lemongrass For Nail Fungus: How To Cure Yourself Naturally

What causes nail fungus?

Nail fungus is so common that most people have experienced it or know someone who has. It can be caused by a variety of reasons. Getting rid of it is more difficult.

You practically know you have nail fungus if your fingernails or toenails have thickened, curved, crumbled, or turned dark or yellowish. It is unsightly and sometimes painful, depending on how far the disease has progressed.

Some of the causes are…

1. Live in a tropical climate.

2. Being over 60 years old.

3. Use acrylic nails.

4. Wear occlusive shoes.

5. Trauma.

Whatever the cause, no one wants to live with nail fungus. If it’s on your nails, it can make you withdraw from life and people. Worse yet, it can turn people away from you. It looks dirty and unattractive. You’ve probably never noticed how much your hands show, until you have nail fungus under your own nails.

If the fungus is in your toenails, it can make your feet hurt when pressed against a closed shoe. Of course, sandals are not an option due to the way toenail fungus makes your feet look ugly. It is a vicious circle. Trying to cover the problem with nail polish only aggravates the condition.

Treatments for nail fungus.

Another problem with nail fungus… it takes a long time to know if the treatment you have decided on will really work. Most treatments take about a year, mainly because it takes so long for the nail to grow. At that point, when you see telltale signs of the fungus returning, you’ll know your treatment didn’t work at all or stopped working. You still have a bad case of nail fungus and you have to start over to try to get rid of it.

I have heard of people who have had their nails removed or had their nail bed lasered. That extreme measure is painful at best and often unsuccessful. After the new nail finally returns, the unsightly signs of the disease often begin to reappear.

There are expensive prescription drugs that are riddled with side effects. When you have to risk a liver transplant to get your nails looking good again, it doesn’t seem worth it, even if your insurance will pay for the medications and doctor’s visits.

Then there are home remedies like painting the nail with diluted bleach; most people can’t or won’t do this for a year, as the surrounding skin will likely become irritated. Some of these remedies might work. But at best, you’ll have to wait about a year to find out if they do.

Why not try the essential oil remedy?

Lemongrass works. He is the hero on the white horse riding to the rescue. Within weeks, even though the nail has not fully grown, there is visual evidence of change. The nail will start to look more natural and will actually start to grow properly again. But remember that for results, it is imperative to use therapeutic-grade essential oils that are made for healing, not for perfume or as a food additive.

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