Magic Potion for Abs 6 Pack

You hear it everywhere, especially in the gym, the ultimate magic method to get 6-pack abs. They come in a variety such as diets, training regimens, and personal trainer secrets. Some of these methods are precise ways to get 6-pack ads, others are outright hype. However, if you are really going to get perfect abs, you must learn to separate the wheat from the chafing, so to speak, or you will never reach your goal.

Let’s separate truth from fiction and hype. The bottom line is that your diet is a crucial component in getting those abs. One of the truest mantras in the fitness business is that “abs are done in the kitchen.” If you’re not eating ‘abs food’, your tummy won’t lie!

So you ask, what should I be cooking in my abs kitchen?

Well, for starters, it should be no secret that protein is king. Protein not only provides the main building tools you need to build muscle, it will satisfy those hunger pangs much better than a carb feast. Protein king is more expensive than any additional macronutrient, which, figured out, simply means that the body will burn more calories by eliminating protein than carbohydrates and fats.

Our next point is that you don’t have to avoid dietary fat that is derived primarily from monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats like olive oil, fish oil or a variety of nuts, natural peanut butter (preferably the kind you make yourself in a health food store straight from peanuts) or my favorite; avocado. It’s a true claim that consuming fat will pack up calories quickly, but if you retain them between 20-30%, it can also be one of the best ways to hit 6 pack abs quickly. It is key that the fat in the diet helps keep insulin at a stable point, because if it is too high, it can cause an addition of fat on its own.

It is important to note that dietary fat makes you feel full for a longer period of time than protein and carbohydrates. Interestingly, some high-fat diets will quickly result in six-pack abs, as your body, being a good student, will learn to metabolize fat for energy. You need to keep an eye on it, but be sure to include some dietary fats in your diet. Always keep in mind that when it comes to carbs and getting those abs, you definitely want to partake in them after your workouts. The reason is simply that this is when your body really needs carbohydrates intensively and will therefore absorb them into your muscle tissue more quickly. This is the time when carbohydrates are least likely to turn into body fat.

When you eat carbs after your workouts, this will help you repair and regain muscle tissue, which means you can get back to the gym much faster.

Since we know you want those abs as quickly as possible, be sure to include a cup or two of fresh, raw vegetables with every meal that help control insulin levels, speed up protein absorption, and invade your body with vitamins, important minerals, natural fiber and critical antioxidants.

The bottom line here guys and girls is that if your main goal is to achieve 6 packs of abs in the next few months, you need to pay close attention to your diet. This is the magic potion that you cannot ignore if you are to succeed in your quest!

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