quantum runes

Quantum Physics and Runes

The new Laws of Quantum Physics have opened the box that holds the secrets of the wise runemasters of the past.

We now know for sure that there is an infinite ocean of thought, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean. It is what our Ancestors called “The Well of Mimir”. Odin hung from the Yggdrasil tree for nine days before reaching the well (Quantum Ocean) and rediscovering the Runes.

I say that he rediscovered them because in the well of Mimir (Quantum Ocean) everything that is, was or will exist there. The Runes and the Gods/Goddesses of the North exist there and have always existed there. The Laws of Quantum Physics tell us that Everything in the Universe is living Energy.

Runes are energies. Runic symbols and Runic names are keys to the Universal energies in the Well of Mimir (Quantum Ocean). The laws of quantum physics tell us that “thoughts” are “things” and “words” are spoken thoughts.

They also tell us that we are energies and the energies we carry in our auras draw our physical life to us.

Knowing this, we can use Quantum Rune Magic to draw whatever energy exists in the well of Mimir into our lives. We can think and speak these Quantum Rune energies in our lives. Do you need protection? Think and pronounce the word “Thorn”. Wisdom? The Rune Os. Masculinity? Rune Man. can? The Rune FA. Health? The Ur Rune.

You can use any of the 18 runes of your choice.

How do you think and speak with the Power of the Quantum Rune from the well of Mimir into your Aura? Simply by attaching the rune to a powerful “I am” statement.

Example: More wealth is the Rune FA. Sit comfortably in her favorite chair and repeat aloud: “I am drawing the rich energies of the FA Rune from the well of Mimir (Quantum Ocean) into my Aura now.” Repeat over and over again. You must reach a critical mass where the FA prosperity energies remove and replace the negative energies that now exist in your Aura. The energies that prevent prosperity from entering your life.

How long will it take? weeks? Months? Well, how much negative prosperity energy do you carry in your aura to block it? It’s all math. When you reach 51% positive Prosperity energies in your Aura, you will begin to attract Prosperity.

Find ways to repeat this quantum rune magic for prosperity throughout the day. Do it while driving your car or walking. Turn off the television an hour before, and do it before going to bed and when you get up in the morning.

To get something out you have to put something in. TIME and repetition is what you can put in the pot of prosperity. Nothing for nothing. Repeat, repeat, repeat. The Laws of Quantum Physics work! The energy of the Runes exists! Combine them now to attract Health, Wealth and Love into your life.

It is Odin’s gift to us.

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