Speeder SWTOR bikes

For most of your SWTOR adventure, you will be moving primarily on foot. This can be in the form of walking or running, if you have earned this skill. You can also access the shuttle service lines found in the major areas of the planets. However, getting your own SWTOR speeder is probably the best way to quickly move across the land.

You will only be able to buy a personal SWTOR speeder when you reach level 25. To access your personal speeder bike, you will need to open the skills panel and then click on the vehicles tab. Then you can right-click the button on the personal slider to turn it on or off. You can also drag and drop the personal speed button on your quick bar for more convenient access.

There are some sliders that only Republic or Empire players can access and not both. In any case, you can buy your first SWTOR slider for 8000 credits. For Empire players, they will be able to obtain this from Imperial Fleet Captain Tanji – Vaiken Spacedock at the Galactic Trade Market. You can find this in the second room on the right on the lower level. For Republic players, they will be able to get this from Barik of the Republic Fleet – Carrick Station in the same merchant market. You will find it in the central room on the lower level.

Some of the first types of SWTOR sliders you will come across are:

Patrol boat Czerka: This slider will increase your movement speed by 90% and costs 8000 credits

Rendili Watchman: This slider will also increase your movement speed by 90% and it also costs 8000 credits

In order to pilot any vehicle, including the speeder, you must purchase a speeder piloting skill from your Class Trainer. There are 3 rankings and they are:

Rank 1 – 40,000 credits

Rank 2 – 210,000 credits

Rank 3 – 330,000 credits

The reason there are 3 ranges of sliders is because there are also 3 corresponding levels of sliders that you can buy. As mentioned above, the first level is level 25 and then this is followed by level 40 and then level 50. Higher levels of gliders give you better protection against being downed. However, you should be aware that none of the SWTOR gliders will grant you any additional attributes other than increased speed, none of the gliders can protect you from damage, and you also can’t mount a SWTOR glider in any spaceport or building.

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