Structural tree pruning

Tree pruning

Because a tree is not like a bush that must be thinned frequently, pruning is permanent and has a significant effect on its structure and appearance. The most beautiful mature trees maintain their youthful appearance by deliberate pruning as they grow. It is advisable to make small wounds on mature trees rather than large ones when pruning. Too big a wound can damage a tree.

2 tree pruning categories

Tree pruning allows you to prune trees either by thinning or by heading, no matter how old or young they are.

thinking tree

Multiple branches can be removed at once or one branch can be shortened to connect to another. This type of pruning can be used to stimulate a tree’s growth while removing unhealthy or weak growth. Thinning cuts are also used to improve air circulation in a tree’s canopy, as well as sunlight infiltration on the inner surface of leaves or the soil below. Thinking also enhances the naturally symmetrical shape of a tree.

tree header

the ends of the lateral branches are trimmed back to a bud that forms as a result of pruning, resulting in a shorter tree. If head cuttings are used on branches over a year old, it is difficult, if not impossible, to rectify the deformity.

problems with coverage

A header cut when done wrong is known as topping. This is the most common tree trimming mistake and the most devastating to the well-being of the tree. The act of topping is carried out by removing branches and even the main trunk of trees to leave stumps. It can also occur naturally when strong winds break the structure of the trunk.

As a consequence of topping, the tree enters a state of overfeeding, which causes it to die as the leaves fall. The shoots are quickly replaced and are spindly, weak and break easily. Also, these shoots need frequent trimming to prevent breakage.

Conversely, topping creates large, open wounds in the trees, which are difficult for the trees to seal. These wounds facilitate the spread of decay or disease, which creates weak points in the structure of the branch. Decaying stumps also compromise the structural integrity of the tree.

Tree pruning is not a task to be taken lightly. It should not be done just to be done. A bad technique or an excessive cut can have catastrophic consequences for the plant. Some of the most serious results are reduced growth, flowering, fruit production and the vulnerability of the species to pests or diseases.

Are you beginning to understand the importance of this process?

With pruning you will not only be keeping your tree in perfect condition, you will also be manipulating its growth, its shape and, if it is fruitful, its fruit production.

What types of pruning are there?

Before carrying out the pruning, you must be very clear about what you are looking for with this process and, above all, what the tree really needs.

As we have mentioned, not all plants have to be pruned periodically. In many cases, a simple intervention is enough when growth gets too out of control. Others will only require the removal of wilted parts.

Each plant has a need for pruning and knowing its characteristics and requirements will be decisive. You will prune in one way or another depending not only on those factors, but you must also take into account the time of life in which the tree is.

There are several types of pruning, but the most important is training and maintenance. Other processes are fruiting, rejuvenation or flowering.

pruning training

The objective of this process is to shape a species so that it has a certain aesthetic appearance. Formative pruning also induces the development of strong, well-distributed branches and, in the case of a fruit tree, the simple harvesting of fruit.

The basic purposes are:

Direct or limited growth: If a tree is allowed to grow freely, it may seem too wild for our garden. What is sought with training pruning is to maintain a balanced development of a species. A clear example of this is bonsai or hedges.

Control the production of flowers and fruits: excessive production of flowers or fruits can cause poor quality. By pruning a few sections of inner or weak branches, the energy of the tree is diverted to what really matters.

Prevent the appearance of pests and diseases: it is an effective means to control the attack of pests or diseases. A well done pruning will allow the tree to develop stronger and with more vitality. In addition, the breakage of the weakest branches (gateway for infectious organisms) will be avoided.

Training pruning is done during the first years of the plant’s life, especially in the moments after planting.

maintenance pruning

Also known as sanitation. This pruning consists of removing the most undesirable parts of the tree. When we talk about undesirable we refer to dry branches, stumps, weak branches at risk of breaking, dry leaves, etc.

This process must be carried out once the tree has its shape already defined and is carried out throughout the life of the specimen. There are species that require maintenance pruning every year (such as fruit trees) and others for which less frequent cutting is sufficient.

Before proceeding with this task, you should know what the requirements are for the species you are planting.

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