The best strategy not only to attract people to your website, but also to buy your product

** Lead funnel … **

A lead funnel is a funnel that generates leads, but it does soooo … much more than that.

** You not only attract leads, but also … **

– builds trust

– increase a list of prospects and clients

– build relationships with your list

– convert leads into customers

– get back the cost of your ad

– offers your clients additional opportunities to work with you

– and move customers up their value ladder.

But before you can do any of that, you must first have a clue

And that’s what lead funnels do …

They help you get leads.

** A Lead Funnel has five simple parts; **

1. Lead magnet

2. Offer page

3. Thank you page

4. Sales page

5. Tracking funnel

I will break down each step for you.

** LEAD MAGNET (Attract and generate value) **

Simply put, a lead magnet is something you give away (for free) in exchange for that person’s email address, phone number, or contact information.

The higher the value, the more personal the information people will give you.

In theory, you would create a lead magnet that would attract your ideal customer and provide them with value.

** OFFER PAGE (exchange value to create email list) **

An offer page is a website where you exchange your main magnet for an email address.

You are offering something valuable enough that your prospects are willing to exchange their email addresses. (Understanding that they will be contacted by you in the future)

** THANK YOU PAGE (Keep the promise, build trust) **

On the thank you page, you build trust with your potential customers by giving them what you said you would give them.

You keep your promise.

** SALES PAGE (Offer a product or service to create a customer list) **

Once your potential customers have received value from you, they are more likely to do business with you.

This is the best time to offer them a product or service on your sales page. Offering a product or service right away also helps you recoup your ad costs quickly and build your customer list.

** FOLLOW-UP FUNNEL (Contact list to build relationship) **

The last part of a lead funnel is the follow-up funnel.

They are the emails you send after you have the customer’s email address.

Not only can you provide valuable content for free in those emails, but you can also offer products or services that you know can help your customer, such as e-books, home study courses, and live events.

Due to your funnel of leads, you can continually grow your list so you can market to them without paying ANY advertising costs.

After getting help from your lead magnet, your clients will say: ** “That was awesome. I need more …!” **

And they can receive more value as they shop for your increasingly expensive offers.

This is called “moving your customers up the value ladder.”

If you’re not sure how to put this together, watch the video below.

So whether you’re just starting out or already have a huge following, follow these five funnel steps to build your lead funnel.

Don’t wait until your product is ready.

Don’t wait until everything is perfect.

** Start today. **

Once you start, you will begin to grow your relationship with your list.

And as we all know …

5% of people immediately

80% of A sales occur between the fifth and eighth follow-up.

** The money is in the list …! **

I hope this helps

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