There is such a thing as too much free content

Much has been said about free online content for businesses, how essential it is to gaining credibility and building trust and connection.

All true.

We buy from those we know, like and trust, so it’s a great way to share what you know with people who care about what you know, as a way of setting the stage for sales.

There is such a thing as too much free content, nevertheless. That happens when you spend so much time creating free content that it starts to interfere with your business. That is the point I have reached in mine.

Like you and everyone else who chooses to make an impact through a business, I have to reassess my business from time to time: review the basics like the business model, offerings, marketing, and sales. It’s easy to get into a groove and simply continue in that groove or make minor adjustments, rather than periodically taking the time to step back, examine what’s effective in terms of its impact, and reduce what’s not serving that purpose.

This is what I discovered when I did my own re-evaluation:

Looking through the lens of impact with its three aspects, collective care, income and legacy, I reaffirmed that the impact is where it is best for me to pour my energy and all my care. This is how I deliver the most value and support you to create your impact through these three areas, which I love to do. Although I KNOW this (!), it has been good to review what I am doing and why in my business.

So, I’m taking a spin on how I generate free content. I have decided to focus more on the Work Alchemy podcast. I love doing it, it makes a significant impact based on what I repeatedly hear from listeners, and it has the potential to generate revenue through endorsements and sales.

It is very free to make this decision about my marketing strategy.. I have recognized that the way I have been investing my resources, all for great reasons, is now not serving my impact as well as it used to. This new approach ticks all the boxes and then some. This decision feels powerful and frees up not only time, but also energy and space for creativity.

Of course, there are other things to consider, and I have, too. How much do you love what you do and therefore it gives you energy? What value are you providing that may not directly result in revenue but serve your impact? What can be delegated? That, of course, also requires income, since you have to pay someone to delegate!

To create space for this new approach and reduce the time spent on more free content instead of income-generating work, you’ll see fewer blog posts and more guest articles, as I move closer to expanding my paying audience. . You will see that I will continue to increase as a guest on other podcasts, for the same reason. My existing library on with all that free content will continue to be available to you as well.

By learning what’s going on in my own business, you can take what I’ve learned and apply it to your business. Your impact matters to me. My renewed focus on collective care, income and legacy also gets the best results for you, so if you want to make one or more of the aspects of impact, collective care, income and legacy a priority in your business, start by doing the Business Impact Assessment.

Do you see what I just did there?

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