Top 3 WoW Account Races You Should Try Playing

World of Warcraft’s 11.5 million active Wow accounts prove just how popular this MMORPG (massively multiplayer online role-playing game) is. This immersive experience allows people to get away from life’s hassles and live their lives online in this huge fantasy world. With so many people playing, you will notice that most of the players are either human or elf. What about the other races? Let me show you three races that should also be played on your WoW accounts:

3) The Gnomes hidden in Ironforge

As of this article, the Warcraft census website states that 466,508 or 6% of the total WoW accounts play this race. They are said to be one of the rare races in World of Warcraft. The gnomes are so obsessed with inventing new technologies and engineering feats that one must wonder how they survived and multiplied to support their careers. Maybe they invented a cloning machine? In the Second War, the gnomes built the war machines that the Alliance used in their fight against the Horde. They used to live in this place called Gnomeregan, built in the heart of Ironforge Mountain. The invaders trashed the place and killed many of the people who lived there. Most of the survivors traveled to Khaz Modan and shared living space with the Dwarves in Ironforge, while others moved to Kalimdor with dwarven friends. Wow Accounts playing this run can use their lack of height to their advantage, as they could sneak up on enemies that are less alert. Gnomes start out with high Intellect, which gives them more mana to cast spells with.

2) The Dwarves who live in Dun Morogh

According to the Warcraft Census, 438,330 or 5% of the total WoW accounts play this race. Dwarves have been mining for treasure since the dawn of time. When the Horde invaded the land of Azeroth during the Second War, the Dwarves volunteered to join the Alliance and helped them win many battles with their passion for combat and exploration. King Magni Bronzebeard ordered a change of industry from mining to archeology due to the discovery of ruins that gave clues to his ancestors. Wow Accounts who choose to play this run can use Stoneform (makes character immune to bleed, disease, and poison effects, plus 10% armor increase for 8 seconds. This effect can be used again after 3 minutes ), increased accuracy with ranged weapons and maces, +10 frost resistance, and the ability to see treasure chests on your minimaps.

1) The Darkspear trolls of Stranglethorn Vale

The Warcraft Census indicates that 369,498 or 4% of the total WoW accounts play this race. Long before the Third War and the Burning Legion began to appear, trolls ruled much of Kalimdor. There were two empires, the Amani of the middle forests and the Gurubashi of the southeastern jungles. Tribal rivalries forced the Darkspear tribe to abandon their homeland. A sea witch controlled a group of murlocs to kidnap Sen’jin from the Darkspear tribe, who was in turn rescued by the orcs led by Thrall. The tribe swore allegiance to the Horde as thanks. Wow Accounts that play like this race can become Berzerk (an effect that lasts 10 seconds. It can be used again after 3 minutes. Speed ​​increases by 10-30% at the expense of health), they can recover lost health , and have damage bonuses from thrown weapons and bows.

These races are overlooked by most of the active WoW account community. I don’t blame them though, these breeds have height flaws, weight issues, or personality issues, as well as not being easy on the eyes. However, the game’s designers blessed these races with abilities, so give them a home in your WoW accounts today!

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