Trust yourself and nurture your dreams

What do you dream about? When you find yourself in an imaginary positive moment in your mind, what are you thinking about? Do you end your daydream with a thought that says something like, “Well, back to reality. I to know that was just a fantasy that will never be real to me.”

But what is really to know? How often do you think you “know” something and then find out that you really didn’t know what you thought you knew?

When people trust only what they think they know, they call it reality and let it dictate their lives. They limit their own unlimited life. You don’t have to trust only what do you know? If we all did that, there would be no cars, no phones, no computers, no doctors, no religion, no artists, no planes.

Picasso was a human being like you and me. He reached within himself and touched his spirit. And he found there the most glorious ideas. Then, miracle of miracles, he incorporated those ideas into his art. And we are the beneficiaries of his daring gift.

You have access to all those wonderful ideas that live inside you too. And of all those wonderful ideas, there are a few that fit right in with who you are, whether you’re two years old, a hundred years old, or something in between. When you have an idea, it is your spirit that nudges you and says: “Come on! Let’s have fun and express ourselves.” After all, that’s what we’re here for, right? express ourselves?

People too weak to follow their own dreams will always find a way to discourage yours.” ~Anonymous

You are capable of creating amazing things. You’re beautiful. You are creative. Your reality is what you allow yourself to believe. You don’t have to believe others when they say: “It can not be done”. Unfortunately for them, they have limited themselves to what they think they know. But you’re alimited! You can do what you think you can do.

So the next time you have an idea, sit with it for a while. Meditate on it. Spend 10 minutes three times a day thinking about your idea. Then watch what happens. If it doesn’t feel right to you and it fades, let it go. Have fun until you discover a new idea. If she touches you-she tells you that, “Yes, this is something I can run with,” then go ahead and achieve your dream. Feel the energy. Feel the urge. let yourself feel It feels good! And that is the key to your best life. Feel good.

Unless we are mentally unbalanced, feeling good results from positive input. Positive ideas, positive actions, positive feelings. You were born positive! Be yourself. Be your positive self. Be the me that knows anything is possible. Anything! If you can see it in your mind, you can make it happen. If others tell you “Nope,” Just smile and say, “I know better.”

Here is an affirmation that can help you trust yourself:

When I have a great idea, I take care of it.”

Here is the courage, confidence and faith to live your dream, while your spirit shines.

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