We used to sacrifice lives to preserve our freedom. Now we sacrifice our freedom to preserve lives

When I was entering my teens, the Vietnam War was still going on. I assumed then that it would continue indefinitely and that when I turned eighteen my name would go to the lottery and I could be called up as well. I dreaded the prospect, though even then I could understand the logic of conscription and why my father supported it so strongly. Our society has been built on democratic principles that enshrine fundamental human freedoms. Those freedoms were threatened by the godless ideology of communism (or so we had been told), so it was only right and proper that we should come together to defend our country and protect those freedoms, even if it meant that countless of our young people must die! maybe including me!

The time has changed. I thank God I didn’t have to go fight in Vietnam, and now I am unequivocally opposed to the practice of conscription. That’s because I no longer believe in the way our wars are sold to us, as noble causes. Tea ‘domino principle’ that was used to justify the stand in Vietnam turned out to be vacant. We didn’t have to be in Vietnam any more than we were in Iraq or Afghanistan or Syria. I no longer believe in conscription because I don’t trust the government. Still, I accept the basic principle that there are things worth dying for and that we must be willing to pay a price to defend our freedoms. So what happened?

I remember when the closures were first announced I posted a video on Facebook, expressing concern and suggesting that we should think about where we draw the line. if we accept social distancing and stay at home orders, is there a point where we draw a line? When we are no longer allowed to hug our children, is that where we draw the line?

I posted it in March 2020 and received an immediate call from my bishop, asking me to remove it. He said, “no one is saying we can’t hug our children”, as if I had ventured into the absurd. I downloaded the video. Within weeks of that phone call, I saw news footage of a man disembarking from his plane in Darwin, where his youngest daughter ran to hug him. Dad took a step back with his hands in the air. The confinement rules had come into effect while he was in flight and, in fact, the man was prohibited from hugging his son.

Not long after that, my position as pastor ended, a position I had held for thirty years. At least that meant he could repost my video. Yes, I have been able to speak freely ever since, though no doubt many expected that by being denied a pulpit, I would be left preaching in a vacuum.

I have never accepted, and do not accept now, that what is driving our government’s response to this ‘big pandemic’ it is purely a public health concern. That’s in large part because the statistics don’t, and never have, justify the level of totalitarian response we’ve endured.

Yes, people have died. In fact, a good friend of mine died of COVID 19. He died in Syria and not Australia, but I don’t deny for a second that the virus is real and deadly. Still, there are many things in this world that can kill us, and of course governments should play some role in trying to protect us, but it’s a matter of balance.

The roads can be deadly. Every day people die from traffic accidents, but we do not reduce the national speed limit to 40 km/h, even though we know full well that this would save more than a thousand lives every year!

We know that allowing families to build in-ground pools in their backyards will inevitably increase the number of home drownings. We still let them do it.

We know that by prohibiting the sale and consumption of alcohol, as the United States did for a full thirteen years (between 1920 and 1933), deaths on the highways would be reduced, cases of domestic violence would decrease, and there would be fewer fights in the streets. Still, not only do we not ban the sale of alcohol, but even in the most severe lockdowns, the sale of alcohol has been deemed an essential service!

I simply do not believe that public health has ever been the sole and sufficient reason to lock down large numbers of healthy people, and if it were, more weight would surely have been given to the health cost of lockdowns.

Closures destroy small businesses and people lose their jobs, which in turn leads to stress, poverty, depression and domestic tensions. Also, while lockdowns may only be a minor disruption for the wealthy and well-healed, for those on the edge, lockdowns threaten to push them over the edge.

As I mentioned, I lost a friend to COVID. Even so, I know of seven who have committed suicide during these confinements. One of the boys from my boxing club told me one night how he had gone to see his father but he got there and found that he had hanged himself. How do you recover from something like that?

I read that during the Melbourne lockdown, youth suicide increased by 180%. I’m surprised it’s not more.

I myself have not had gainful employment since I lost my church position and have been struggling. The lockdowns are suffocating. The universe no longer seems like a friendly place. Stopping pain through self-destruction is starting to seem like a credible way forward. It is not, of course. it never is. Still, I have felt the pull of the abyss and weep for those for whom that pull has been too great.

We used to think that freedom was worth dying for. What happened? Well… the narrative changed.

In today’s official narrative, we are indeed at war, but the enemy is COVID and we are all united to fight it.

Yes, we will all have to endure some hardship, and inevitably some will have to sacrifice more than others, but once we have achieved victory over the enemy virus, all these hardships will soon be forgotten. The economy will recover, small businesses will prosper again, the government will relinquish all emergency powers, and electronic tracking and surveillance will be gone forever. All those who committed suicide will be resurrected. And we won’t even remember what social distancing was since we’ll all be too busy hugging each other to celebrate!

Does this sound good?

The only thing that makes the official narrative seem plausible is that the counter-narratives, most of which point to secret conspiracies plotting the destruction of the human race, seem even less plausible. Personally, I do not accept either of these narratives. Rather, I believe that what is driving the global response to the virus is the same twin forces that drive almost everything else in this world, namely the lust for power and money, which are fueled by fear.

Fear sells newspapers, fearful populations are easy to control, and of course, in this extraordinarily litigious culture, companies and governments alike are terrified of being sued if held responsible for someone’s death because they didn’t do enough to protect them.

The institutional church works in exactly this way. I remember when I was still in seminary hearing a bishop warn us that we (the church) must be careful not to apologize to our indigenous population lest we be sued like the church in Canada, which at the time looked like it might soon be insolvent! ! So I told the bishop, “But shouldn’t we just do the right thing and let the chips fall where they may?” I don’t think I received a response.

With any big company, government, or institution, the bottom line will always be the bottom line, so the church can’t take the risk of letting people worship for the same reason we can’t take the risk of being honest about of our history.

We cannot open the way for dozens of litigants to come forward and say “My grandmother would still be alive if only you had closed the church doors”. No! We must do whatever it takes: close the doors, stop people from singing, talking, hugging, denying faith if necessary… just protect the bottom line!

There are alternative ways out of this mess.

For our leaders, we need them to be led by love and not fear. As the Apostle John said, “perfect love casts out all fear”. (1 John 4:18), If love is too much to ask, a basic respect for human dignity will suffice.

For the rest of us, we must be willing to take personal responsibility for our own health and let the government focus on its real job: protecting our freedoms!

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