Windows Vista Crash: How to Fix a Vista Crash

A Vista crash can happen so often even if it is a more robust operating system compared to Windows XP. The most common error is the blue screen of death, or simply called BSoD, which will appear on your screen and then your computer will crash. In addition to BSoD, you will sometimes experience a Windows Vista crash during startup, while browsing the Internet, or when running an application. It confuses your system, but this problem can be avoided by following these tips:

1. Update your drivers. Incompatible drivers can cause Vista crashes. It is extremely important to have dedicated drivers that are hardware specific and precisely match your operating system. Since Windows Vista is still considered a “newer” operating system, there may be programs on your computer that are not yet compatible with this operating system. These applications or devices were not designed for the operating system, so updating the driver is essential.

two. Run a virus and spyware scan. Malicious software or malware corrupts your files and will damage your Vista like a random crash. Run a regular scan to check for these viruses and spyware. Once detected, remove them from your system. Also make sure to always download the latest security and virus definition updates.

3. Clean your Windows Registry. The registry is a database used to store information that is continually referenced by Windows during operation. The data stored in the registry accumulates over time producing redundant and obsolete entries. These entries create errors because they are no longer needed, causing the computer to run slowly and Vista to crash. The Windows registry can be cleaned of these unwanted entries using registry cleaning software. Due to the complexity of the registry, manual cleaning is not possible unless you are a computer expert.

Registry cleaning software, in addition to cleaning invalid registry entries, has backup and restore features that allow users to undo changes in case they don’t want them. It is a must to always keep a clean registry to improve your computer speed, optimize its performance and fix Vista crashes.

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