World of Warcraft Gold Farming Solutions – Primal, Eternal, and Volatile Elements!

If you don’t have any professions or gathering trades, one of the best World of Warcraft gold farming solutions is to get an elemental part. These usually drop from elemental mobs, can be fished from schools of fish, collected while mining or gathering herbs, or even skinned from various beasts.

However, after the release of Cataclysm, some of these elemental parts have decreased in value, but some are still worth farming. Volatile elements, of course, come at a high price because they are of the highest tier, so before I talk a bit about volatile parts, I want to review some of the other elemental parts that are still valuable.

World of Warcraft Gold Farming Solutions – Primals

These crafting materials were introduced to BC so that they could be found in the Outland area. Most of them are worthless these days, but Primal Air, for whatever reason, tends to be expensive. A great place to farm Primal Fire is the Elemental Plateau in Nagrand. Or, you can collect air motes from the gas clouds found in Nagrand.

World of Warcraft Gold Farming Solutions – Eternals

Not many of the Eternal items are valuable these days, just like Primals. Eternal Fire does have some value though, one still sells for 20-25g on my server. I collect Eternal Fire from the gas clouds in Sholazar Basin and from Flame Revenants in Wintergrasp.

World of Warcraft Gold Farming Solutions – Volatile Elements

Most volatiles are pretty expensive right now in WoW. However, the prices for Volatile Water and Life seem to drop much faster than the others. Volatile Air and Fire will be priced high for quite some time and are best farmed for. Volatile Air can of course be obtained from any air elemental mob found in zones 80-85. It can also be mined, skinned, or obtained by gathering herbs, if you have the Electrostatic Capacitor. Volatile Fire can be fished from pools of fire that appear in any “lava lake” in Cataclysm zones.

Now, if you only have crafting professions, farming elemental parts is a good way to earn some decent money. These are used in many crafts and many players buy them if they need to create something. Prices can vary from server to server, but the ones I mentioned above generally stay high.

So, I hope you found what I have told you here useful. Happy farming!

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