Writing your website copy right

This may seem like an obvious statement to some, but to others it is not. Writing correctly on your website is a must, as are punctuation and capitalization.

Too often, I come across misspelled words on websites. No one is immune from this. I myself have been guilty a couple of times, but I have corrected it. Some things that are often misspelled include words with two vowels in a row, missing vowels, words with two identical consonants in a row, and words that are used infrequently.

Also, there are words that are homophones, or sound the same, that are spelled correctly, but used in the wrong context. Be careful listening versus here. Also know when to use it instead of it, lose instead of lose, then and then there their and they are. Be careful with two, for and also, we were where and we, you and you.

Although this will not detect homophones, you can try checking your website for spelling in a word processor such as Microsoft Word. Another option is to use [http://www.spellcheck.net].

Capitalization is also important. The first letter of each sentence must be capitalized. The first letter of any name must also be. Each instance of the word “I” must be capitalized.

Correct punctuation is essential. Each sentence must have a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point. Please do not put an exclamation point in all other sentences on your website. Use it sparingly.

If you are quoting someone who has something misspelled, or any kind of mistake, you should not correct it. If it’s a misspelling, after the word write (sic) in parentheses, just like I have there. That word is Latin, which means “thus” or “thus”. In other words, you know it’s misspelled, but that’s how the original material had it.

If you notice over time that you are missing some errors in your website reviews, it may be time for someone to help you. Find a friend who majored in English or worked for the school newspaper. Or if you are lucky, you may know someone who is a professional writer who is willing to help you.

No matter how you do it, fix those mistakes. Having them on your website is a sign of a lack of professionalism, so it’s worth spending your time fixing them all.

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