10 Characteristics of Women’s Energy Bodies

Spiritual and energetic anatomical traditions, including Traditional Chinese Medicine, Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, Kundalini Yoga, Wicca, Kabbalah, and more, describe the differences between the way the subtle or energetic bodies of women and men function. . If you are familiar with the chakras or meridians, you already know what ‘energy body’ means. If not, think of your subtle body as an energy field that encompasses and interacts with your physical body. Understanding how your energy body works can help you improve your health, intuition, personal power, and spiritual growth.

The following list is compiled from a variety of traditions, and they may not all resonate with you. But read them and try to experiment with the ones that seem most faithful to you.

1) The energy of women is centripetal, that of men is centrifugal
The idea here is that by default, women’s energy turns inward and is therefore attractive, drawing things to her, while by default, men’s energy turns outward, projecting rather than Attract. Both men and women can control and reverse this with their intention (conscious or unconscious), but by default women’s energy is centripetal and men’s is centrifugal. This especially comes into play with sexual energy and the different ways the two sexes try to attract sexual partners. It also comes into play in families, and the women of any family group are said to be the energetic ‘organizing principle’, due to this centripetal quality.

2) Women’s energy bodies are more sensitive/absorbent, men’s are more solid/protective
It is also generally said that women’s energy bodies are more sensitive to external energies and are more likely to absorb these energies, rather than repel them. There are pros and cons to this, as external energy can serve as ‘raw data’ for intuition, but absorbing too much energy, or the wrong kind, can deplete or disperse a woman’s energy field more quickly in certain situations, for example, in a large crowd.

3) The energy of women is more fluid, that of men more fixed
Related to the idea that women’s energy bodies are more receptive is the idea that they are more fluid, changing more quickly and more frequently than men’s, in response to the environment and other people. In nature, this can mean that women energetically merge with their surroundings more easily and quickly, and the same in a group of people (so obviously there are advantages and disadvantages to this as well, depending on what you merge with). .

4) Women’s energy bodies are more expansive
Also in this vein is the idea that women can expand their energy fields to encompass others around them more easily (think of Bella as a vampire in the Twilight series if you have read it). Personally, I’m not so sure about this one, aside from a mother’s energetic relationship with her children (which I’ll get to in a minute), as I’ve seen more men with powerful protective abilities. in this sense, perhaps because I have met many martial artists. The centrifugal nature of men’s energy seems to make their energy fields expand more easily, in this sense, to me.

5) The energetic bodies of women are fertile ground for energetic lines
This one is delicate. The idea with this one is that in interactions with others, and especially in close relationships, women become the energetic anchor for both parties. In sexual terms, some traditions teach that a woman actually has an energy line ‘planted’ into her energy body with each sexual encounter, which can take years to cut off if she wishes (and that this is not the case, or at least less so, for men.) But it’s not just sexual energy lines, it’s really in all kinds of relationships: the idea is that women naturally harbor these lines. And that this can become especially problematic for us if we are ‘anchoring’ too many people for us to handle.

6) The lines of maternal energy are different and progress through time
This refers to the line of energy between mother and child. The idea is that the first 3 to 6 months after birth, a child is really an energetic extension of her mother: her energy fields merge. Gradually, over time, this energy connection separates and the child becomes a different energetic being, although a single energy line remains between them for life. The energy line between parent and child, or other relatives, is established through other means, through emotional bonding and history, rather than through this intrinsic energy line.

7) The energy body of a woman is cyclical
There are many variations of this, but the main one is that the nature of a woman’s energy body changes throughout her menstrual cycle. Her energy body is ‘more’ of all the things listed above: centripetal, sensitive, fluid, etc. in the days leading up to menstruation, and especially just before and during, and then slightly less in the days leading up to ovulation. So her energy body is always waxing and waning (moon cycle and all!) like this.

8) The energetic bodies of women have different phases of life
Linked to this is the idea that women’s energy bodies go through very distinct changes corresponding to the major reproductive-related physical changes they experience during their lives: the onset of menstruation, sexual maturity, pregnancy, lactation, perimenopause and menopause. This has implications for both your energetic health and spiritual path at every point along the way.

9) The second, or sacral, chakra plays a unique role in women
Because of the numbers 6 to 8, the chakra or energy center related to a woman’s reproductive system, the second chakra or sacral chakra, plays a unique role in your personal power and energetic health. Just as women and men are at risk for different physical illnesses due to their physical and hormonal differences, they are also at risk for different energy problems. And in the case of the 2nd chakra, this means that any damage or blockage related to it is especially harmful for women. And conversely, that a healthy sacral chakra has even more benefits.

10) A woman’s sacral chakra is a unique spiritual gate
This comes up in some form in all ‘sacred feminine’ traditions, even those that do not define the chakras per se. The idea is that the second chakra (or the corresponding area in other systems) in women can function as a portal, a doorway to other dimensions and to spiritual perception, in such a way that only the third eye is generally mentioned in the main teachings. and the crown chakra. a.

Consciously working with your energy body can open new doors for you in many areas of your life.

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