5 Remedies to Fight Acidity in Your Kitchen and Herb Garden

It is known that heartburn or heartburn does not save anyone from its clutches. Most adults get it at some point in their life. Heartburn occurs when there is an overproduction of acid in the stomach. It is the main cause of stomach ulcers, bad breath, stomach pain, nausea, etc. It leaves an aftertaste in the mouth and leaves a stinging sensation between the ribs that radiates to the heart; therefore, it is also known as heartburn.

Many people have confessed to succumbing to heartburn and that it has changed their lives for the worse. They have claimed to have tried all kinds of medications that quickly relieve gas and heartburn, but without success. What they don’t understand is that regardless of the many products known to provide fast heartburn relief, it’s paramount to make a few lifestyle changes to eradicate heartburn for good.

As the saying goes, “Charity begins at home,” heartburn treatment also begins from your kitchen and herb garden.

How do you ask? Here are some ways and ingredients that can help you remove acidity from your life.

1. Water: Due to its neutral pH balance, water is the ragweed that helps neutralize the pH balance in your stomach. Reduces the level of acid in the stomach and protects the lining of the stomach from being damaged; thus, leading to ulcers and heartburn. It is advisable to drink a glass of warm water before sleeping and after waking up in the morning. Do not drink water during meals.

2. Holy Basil Leaves: Wash a few holy basil leaves as soon as you feel a sharp sensation below your breastbone or experience a sour/bitter aftertaste in your mouth. This is one way of reacting to heartburn episodes. Holy Basil or ‘Tulsi’ has many medicinal qualities and fighting heartburn is one of them.

3. Cinnamon: Take cinnamon powder and boil it in some water. Simmer for a minute and strain. It will start to look like tea liqueur. Have that without adding anything and you will notice a change. It works as a natural antacid and also helps treat flatulence.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar – Although it is acidic in nature, apple cider vinegar has an alkalizing effect on the lining of the stomach. Take two teaspoons of this with a cup of water twice a day.

5. Buttermilk: Also known as ‘Chaach’; A glass of buttermilk with a teaspoon of roasted cumin powder mixed with roasted fenugreek powder and coriander paste will give you relief, plus taking it regularly will eradicate heartburn problem from your life.

Heartburn is a serious lifestyle problem among most of us. It is very important to be meticulous in handling it. It is important to make the above tips a part of your life and you will free yourself from the chains of heartburn forever.

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