8 magic words that dramatically increase your insurance sales

The words you use to communicate with your customers can have a significant impact on your sales results. Your choice of words can seal a deal or kill a sale. By incorporating the right words into your sales presentation, your customers will be more likely to make a purchasing decision.

Some magic words are like spices that make your presentation taste better. Used effectively and with the right kind of clients, these words can help you get the results you want.

The following are some magic words that help increase your customers’ desire to make a purchasing decision:

(1) Option

Some clients like to be in control. They want to have the upper hand to be able to decide how things are going to be put at the top. They want to have a voice in many things. Let them have the options to decide what they want.

Example: “Of these 2 options, which one in your opinion can best support your plan?

(2) Better

People love to have the best things in life. They associate the word “best” with quality. The word “best” is always favorably perceived and has a tantalizing effect on the customer when used in sales situations.

Example: “You want your children to get the best education possible so that one day they can be as successful as you, if not more successful than you.”

(3) New

People get excited about the latest fashions or new things. New things open their eyes. People like to equate the word “new” with improved features or functions of a certain product.

Example: “This product is new. It is also specially designed for people of your social status.”

(4) Smart

People feel good when they get compliments. They love compliments. Make them feel like their decision is well thought out. The word “smart” helps reinforce your belief that you have taken the right action.

Example: Your kids will hug you and say, “Mom, you are the best! That was one of the smartest decisions you ever made for us. Thank you Mom!”

(5) Popular

Most of the customers are followers, they look for popular products. Generally, people are quite comfortable with popular products. The fact that a product is popular shows that it has been endorsed by many people.

Example: “This is a very popular plan. Most of my clients sign up for this plan without much hesitation because they like the flexibility of this plan.”

(6) Love

Love has a special meaning in our hearts. The word “love” carries a very high level of emotional intensity that can touch people’s hearts. Many people act in the name of love. Love triggers action.

Example: “It is a gift of love that your family would treasure more.”

(7) Savings

Price is one of the vital factors when making a purchase decision. The word “savings” makes customers feel like they are being treated favorably. Saving allows them to make a profit on the purchase.

Example: “It is always advantageous to get this plan now, as you will get 10 percent savings. On top of that, you will also get a gas voucher.”

(8) Warranty

There is always a risk factor when making any purchase. Customers need security. It is important that they are sure they are not making mistakes before letting go of their hard-earned money.

Example: “You can be sure that your family will receive the amount x as stipulated and guaranteed in the contract if you are gone.”

Words have power. Enrich the collection of magic words in your toolbox. Build your sales presentation with these simple but powerful words. You will be in a better position to influence your clients to make decisions in your favor.

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