Are webmasters really ninjas?

1) Webmasters like to work at night when no one else is around and there is silence. Ninjas work at night under cover of darkness.

2) Ninjas where tight black clothes and black shoes. Webmasters wear tight black T-shirts.

3) Ninjas rely on cunning and black magic tricks to accomplish their mission. Webmasters often turn to black hat SEO tricks to get their pages to rank well on Google and Yahoo!

4) Ninjas use smoke bombs to disappear. Webmasters are much more advanced in this area. They don’t even need smoke bombs. They often disappear without warning. You have a better chance of having a Ninja on the phone in 2005 than your programmer.

5) Ninjas use deception as a tactic to confuse and spread fear. Webmasters fool everyone. Only they can understand your huge file structures.

6) Ninjas use their special knowledge to see the source of their enemy’s power. Webmasters use the “display source” as an ancient technique of gathering information about their enemy.

7) Ninjas use a secret code to communicate with other ninjas. Webmasters use highly coded languages ​​to send instant messages to other designers. Nobody has any idea what they are talking about.

8) Ninjas have been known to throw sharp metal objects when they encounter an enemy. Webmasters have been known to throw metal data processing units across the room when they encounter a blue screen.

9) Ninjas are hired because the client does not want to face the enemy on his own. Webmasters are hired because the client does not want to deal with “beginner HTML” himself.

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