Clearasil Daily Face Wash Discontinued

Clearasil Daily Face Wash

Clearasil is a popular day-old acne cleanser that has been around for many years. The product is very gentle to the skin, yet at the same time it helps keep the skin clear. Over time, the product has become known for being effective at keeping skin clear. In recent years, though, the product has started to be withdrawn from the shelves of stores across the country due to concerns over its effectiveness. Below are some of the reasons that this popular cleanser has been discontinued:

Clearasil suppliers

The daily face was first introduced in 1998, and it is primarily used to keep skin clear of acne. At that time, it contained three primary ingredients: Vitamin A, Vitamin B3, and Zinc. All three of these ingredients are known for their benefits for treating acne. The problem with Clearasil was that it was not as effective as some of the other acne medications on the market at that point in time, and it did not contain any Vitamin B3.

The discontinuation of Clearasil was part of a wider effort to reformulate the daily clear face wash. Part of this effort included adding a new ingredient to the formula, which was called hydra-blaster. Hydra-blaster is an antibacterial agent, which works by destroying acne bacteria. It can also help prevent future breakouts.

Clearasil Daily Face Wash Discontinued

Clearasil’s replacement was a new daily clear face wash, which did not contain zinc or Vitamin A. Instead, it contained salicylic acid, which was a different compound than the one found in Clearasil. Salicylic acid also helps to exfoliate the skin, which was beneficial in that it prevented skin cells from accumulating within the pores of the skin. These things were important to know because they meant that people who bought Clearasil could buy a product that was less likely to lead to excessive dryness or irritation.

It was not clear why salicylic acid was added to a daily clear hydra-blaster face wash, but it did seem like a clever idea. Salicylic acid is a well-known antiseptic that kills bacteria. It also has antibiotic and anti-inflammatory properties. So, it is not surprising that the addition of antiseptics to a cleanser might be useful, especially when one considers how difficult it is for many people to keep their skin infection free.

At the same time, it was not clear why the addition of salicylic acid to a Clearasil ultra rapid acne face wash would be helpful. After all, many people with acne problems already had difficulty keeping the condition under control, and they would likely have been reluctant to add another ingredient to a cleanser that might make the problem worse. However, the addition of salicylic acid to a daily clear hydra-blaster face wash did result in a noticeable reduction in the number of outbreaks that a person suffered from. That makes this particular cleara-solion daily face wash combination both a gentle prevention daily, clear acne cleanser and an excellent example of what can be done to address problems with acne.

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