Does your little girl need a doll to learn to go to the bathroom?

There are few things more frustrating in the world of parenting than the process of potty training a child. Trying to get a child to understand that the urge to use the bathroom and associating it with going to the bathroom can be a very irritating and challenging experience for a parent. Some kids are just too focused on whatever they’re doing to pay attention. Others just don’t care.

Before the invention of the potty training doll, parents simply had to do it themselves. With some kids it seems that no amount of cute panties or even corner punishment would help. Now these types of dolls can help parents convey to their little ones the message that using the potty is great!

The Little Mommy Gotta Go doll is truly one of a kind. This doll is a godsend for parents who are past the point of frustration when trying to get their child to understand the process. Little girls love to play mother to their dolls. They like to act like adults and this doll gives them the chance to do it. Mattel makes this popular potty training doll.

First, he talks, moves and even asks for help like a real child. Her daughter will enjoy all the fun of playing mommy while she learns about the bathroom at the same time. Doll comes dressed in her own t-shirt and a pair of “big girl” panties.

She has movable arms and legs, as well as curly pigtails that can be styled. It has all the necessary bathroom accessories such as toilet, sink, towel, cup, soap dispenser, toothbrush, toothpaste tube and two bathroom shelves, so not only She’s a great potty training doll, but she can also help your little girl brush. his teeth.

She says all kinds of different things like “Mommy I love you” and “Time to brush my teeth!” The main feature, of course, has to do with the use of the bathroom. You can sit on the toilet and it will sound like you are going. She will talk about the process and hum a little tune before leaving.

She will say all kinds of cute and funny phrases. The “water” in the toilet disappears and her son can even flush it. This potty training doll teaches lots of great things, including hand washing. It even goes into sleep mode just like a real baby!

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