EFT Tapping Tips for Losing Weight for the Right Reasons

If you’re trying to lose weight, slim down, or diet, you may have heard this before: you need to lose weight for the right reasons. Otherwise, it can turn back on. But with the right motivation, you can stick with it relatively easily.

Here are some answers to why people want to lose weight. I have put them in two sections: Healthy and Suspicious.

Healthy: “I’ve realized I won’t be able to play with my grandson and may not even live long enough to see him grow”; “I’m sick and tired of buying expensive, unappealing clothes in the few plus-size stores available”; “I puff and puff when I walk”; “I want to make this trip for myself, for my own well-being and personal satisfaction”; “My feet hurt with the weight”, “My back hurts all the time”; “I want to go hiking with the family and not feel that my heart is going to stop at any time”; “My blood pressure is too high”; “I have just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.”

Suspicious: “I want to appear normal and fit in”; “I’m a freak in my fat ugly body”; “When I lose weight, I will be beautiful/handsome/attractive/desirable”; “To attract more friends”; “Get boyfriend/girlfriend/husband”; “To be accepted”.

On the list of suspects are underlying issues that may cause you to seek comfort, and that comfort may come in the form of food. Here is the list as I understand it from what you said above:

* I feel like a weirdo

* I’m not beautiful

* I feel lonely without as many friends as I want

* I feel lonely/rejected by potential/existing lovers

Just reading this may make the average overweight person reach for that comforting extra serving or snack. So here are some tapping suggestions for you. They are quite heavy so take your time and do them one at a time. Begin each by asking yourself on a scale of 10 to 0, how true the statement is or how bad you feel about it, with 10 being the worst and 0 being neutral. So start the EFT.

Recall a time when you were treated or felt like a freak. Perhaps in childhood for a “friend” or relative, at a party, for a “lover”, etc. Who was? What did they do or say to make you feel like a freak? Or maybe a time when you didn’t fit in, like in a bar, where all your friends were talking and ignoring you. Play as follows…

Configuration in Karate Chop:

“Even though this event/person makes me feel like a freak, I’m willing to accept myself for who I am, even when I don’t mean it, and that’s okay.”

Reminder on all other points:

“This event/person that makes me feel like a freak”

(substitute the event or person’s name above, as appropriate).

Ask yourself how lonely you feel, on a scale of 10-0. Tap, for as many days or weeks as necessary, until you feel as close to zero as possible. We can feel lonely alone or in company. Even if you lower it from 9 to 7 out of 10, that’s good. Play as follows…

Configuration in Karate Chop:

“Even though I feel this loneliness, I’m willing to accept myself as I am, even when I don’t mean it, and that’s okay.”

Reminder on all other points:

“This loneliness”

And every day, tap this positive affirmation on all points without numbers, either first thing in the morning when you are in the bath or shower or late at night when you are about to go to bed, whichever works best for you. you. “I’m willing to start thinking I’m beautiful no matter what my weight/size, even if I’m lying to myself, I’m willing to pretend I’m beautiful/handsome/attractive anyway.” own words that best fit what you want to achieve.

EFT uses a special acupressure blend and wording to help you reach your goals and let go of obstacles in your way. Short for Emotional Freedom Techniques, it is also affectionately known as Tapping. You can learn more at a workshop near you, engage in the services of an EFT practitioner, or read one of the many free EFT manuals and guides available online. I wish you every success in your weight and fitness journey.

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